| steve harrington headcanons ~ pt. 3 |

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trigger warning: family problems (mainly daddy issues), neglect, alcohol misuse

- saves up most of his money that he makes at family video. he won't tell anyone why but it's because he doesn't like staying with his parents and he wants to move out as soon as he can.

- treats the kids so well because it's the way he wished his parents would've treated him.

- no matter what happens to him or what he's seen, he'll never cry. he doesn't cry because his father told him that "boys don't cry." and when his dad saw him crying once he told him "suck it up", "be a man" and "stop acting like a baby."

- regrets the way he acted in high school. hates it if someone brings up "king steve" and will just apologise profusely for the way he acted.

- spent most of his birthdays when he was younger alone because his parents either didn't care or completely forgot.

- used to be very close to his mother but when her marriage to his dad went downhill, so did steve's relationship with her. he misses their relationship so much.

- zones out quite a lot. if someone is talking he feels horrible afterwards, he doesn't want people to think he isn't listening to them.

- some nights he can't sleep. he'll want to go to sleep and he'll be so tired but he just can't. he's scared in case something bad happens whilst he's sleeping.

- hates it when his house is quiet but loves it when his parents are away. his parents are hardly ever home and when they're away, he'll always call you and ask you to come over.

- leaves the house whenever his parents fight. as soon as he hears shouting, he just leaves and drive to your house. his parents don't even realise he's gone.

- if anyone gets hurt and steve was there, even if he couldn't do anything, he'd blame himself. he would later think about what happened and think of all the ways he could've helped.

- taught himself how to cook because his parents were never home. this led to him burning himself quite badly. instead of trying to help, his dad just shouted and belittled him, leaving him to take care of the burn by himself.

- loved reading when he was younger but his dad would make a fool of him so he slowly stopped reading and focused all his attention on basketball.

- began playing basketball to impress his dad but stuck with it because he enjoyed it so much.

- wants to have six kids because he wants to spoil them and treat them the way his parents never did.

- he had to grow up with his father disrespecting women, especially his mother, so his biggest fear is turning into him and treating you the way his father treated his mother.

- whenever you two argue, he'll apologise first due to the fear of ending up like his dad. he'll not leave your side the rest of the day after apologising so that you are aware that he didn't mean what he said.

- he acts like it doesn't bother him but whenever steve sees people with healthy and good relationships with their parents, especially their dads, he gets jealous and quite upset. he'll never admit it though.

- terrified in case vecna shows him a traumatic memory from when he was younger. he really doesn't want to relive his childhood.

- one day he got bored and found his mums makeup. he messily put the tiniest bit of it on. his dad found him wearing the makeup and yelled at him for hours. he was only a child.

- 'daddy issues' by the neighbourhood and 'family line' by conan gray are literally his songs and no one will convince me otherwise.

- his dad would frequently come home drunk and take all of his anger out on steve. would just yell at him for things that had nothing to do with him and blame it all on him.

- his parents never cared when he hurt himself. he broke his arm once when he was playing outside and instead of taking him to the hospital, his dad belittled him and told him that actions had consequences and this was the consequence for acting like a child, keep in mind he was a literal child at this point.

- his parents would never believe him if he told them about something that had happened to him. they would call him an attention seeker or say he was being dramatic and exaggerating. his mum would sometimes believe him but his dad rarely ever believed him. he doesn't talk about trauma because he feels like people will respond the same way his parents did.

- his dad missed his graduation because he was disappointed of steve's grades and how he couldn't get into a good college. told him to his face that he was ashamed of him before telling him that he had to get a job or he was getting kicked out of the house.

- his dad would make a fool of his scoops ahoy job, telling him he looked stupid in the uniform but he wouldn't let him quit.

- his mum only became bad because of who she was married to. she was never as bad as steve's dad but because they were married for so long, she slowly began having the same mindset as has him. she's not as bad as him and steve prefers her to his dad.

- his dad kicked him out once when he was a teenager to punish him for answering back. the police had to bring him home because it was so cold. his dad just pretended that he ran away and that he was searching for him the entire day.

- he never lets you come to his house when his dad is home. he doesn't want him to be disrespectful towards you.

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