| drugged |

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trigger warning: mentions of sick

you were hunched over the toilet in the mall bathroom, steve was in the stall beside you. you flushed the toilet after practically spewing your guts out and sat with your back against the wall and you placed your hand onto your forehead. you heard the toilet in the other stall flush, a thud followed after it. "ow." you heard steve groan. "what did you do?" you asked. "i hit my head off the stall wall." he said. you laughed at his answer. "that was smart." you said. you looked up at the ceiling and your eyes widened. "steve, the ceiling stopped spinning for me. is it still spinning for you?" you asked as you continued to look at the ceiling. "holy shit." he said. "do you think we puked it all up?" he asked you. "maybe. ask me something." you said, kicking the stall across from you. "ask you something? okay uh... when was... the last time you peed your pants?" he asked you. you stifled a laugh and looked at the wall in front of you. "uh, today." you answered. you heard steve laugh in the other stall. "what?" he said, still laughing. "it was when the russian doctor pulled out a bone saw! it was scary! and it was only a little bit!" you tried to defend yourself but ended up laughing too. "okay, it's definitely still in your system." steve said, pinching the bridge of his nose. you both continued laughing.

"okay, my turn." you said, straightening up again. "yeah, okay, hit me." steve said, his voice croaky. "have you... ever been in love?" you asked him, fiddling with your hands. you had a crush on steve for a while now and you were thinking about telling him right now and if he didn't feel the same, you could blame it on the drugs the russians gave you. "yep. nancy wheeler." he began. "first semester, senior year." he made a gun with his fingers and pointed it towards his heart, mimicking shooting the gun. "oh my god. nancy wheeler?" you asked. steve chuckled a little. "yeah." "she is such a priss!" you exclaimed. "hm, turns out, not really." he replied. you sighed. "are you still in love with nancy?" you asked. "no." he replied. "why not?" you asked. steve was wondering why you were being so adamant about knowing about his love for nancy. "because i found someone who's a little better for me." he admitted. you felt your heart break a little but also felt a little hopeful at the same time. "i mean, it's crazy." steve began. "ever since dustin got back from camp he's been saying you gotta find your suzie, you gotta find your suzie." he added. you furrowed your eyebrows. "wait, wait, who's suzie?" you asked. "it's his camp girlfriend or something. if i'm being honest with you, i don't believe that she's actually real." he said. you both laughed.

"but that's not the point." steve said. "the point is, you know, this girl that i like, she's uh... she's somebody i didn't even talk to in school." he said. you thought back to when you and steve first met at your current job. "why not?" you asked. "i don't know. maybe because tommy h would've made fun of me or i wouldn't be... prom king." he said, scoffing the end of his sentence. "i know there both just stupid reasons but... that's all i cared about in high school, popularity." he admitted. "and i hate that popularity is what i cared about because maybe if i didn't just care about that, i could've been with this girl the entire time." he said. "because, this girl is hilarious. i mean it, she's so funny. this summer, i've probably laughed more than i have in... a really long time." he told you. "and she's smart. like, way smarter than me. i mean, she can crack top secret russian codes." this is when it hit you, he was talking about you. you smiled as he continued to ramble on about you. "plus, she's so pretty." he added. you felt your smile grow bigger. "yeah?" you asked. "yeah. i mean really, really pretty. honestly, she's unlike anyone i've ever met." steve had finally finished his big ramble. you didn't know how to respond. steve knocked on the stall. "y/n? y/n, did you OD in there?" he asked. you could hear concern in his voice. "nope, i'm still alive." you said.

there was a second of silence before you heard squeaking in the stall beside you. you saw steve slide under the space between the stall and the floor. you scrunched up your nose. "the floors disgusting, steve." you stated. steve just shrugged. "yeah, well, i already have a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt so..." he said, looking down at his shirt. you laughed and shook your head. steve smiled at you. "so, what do you think?" he asked you. you looked at him. "about the girl." he added. "she sounds great." you smiled. "yeah, she's awesome. and what about the guy?" he asked, never looking away from you. you took a deep breath. you wanted to tell him how you feel but you thought about the most reasonable excuse of why steve told you this and confessing was not the last thing in your mind. "i think... he's on drugs and he isn't thinking straight." you smiled sadly at him. "really? because i think he's thinking way more clearer than usual." he said, looking at his feet. you shook your head. "i'm not like nancy wheeler, steve." you said, looking over at him. "y/n, that's exactly why i like you." he said, crossing his legs and sitting opposite you now.

"steve," you said, turning to face him. "how am i supposed to know you're not just saying this because of the drugs?" you asked. "cause i'm pretty sure i did puke all of the weird russian drug shit up." he told you. you laughed and looked down at your hands. steve leaned over and took your hands in his. "hey, look at me." he said but your head stayed looking down. steve placed his fingers under your chin and moved your head upwards, making you look him in the eyes. the action made your stomach do flips. "i meant it, y/n, i really do like you." he said, his voice soft. you smiled a little. "really?" you asked. steve let out a low chuckle. "yes, really." he smiled. "you're kinda killing me here, y/n." you looked at him and furrowed your eyebrows. "do you like me too?" he asked. your eyes widened. "yes, yes, of course i do. i thought that was obvious." you said. he smiled. "a little conformation doesn't hurt." he told you.

you both smiled at each other before you heard the door to the bathroom bust open. dustin ran in with erica and robin behind him. "okay, what the hell?" he yelled. you and steve looked at each other before bursting out into laughter. steve stood up and held out his hand towards you. you took it and he pulled you up. he wrapped his arm around your waist as you all walked out. dustin, erica and robin walked in front whilst you and steve walked together behind them, laughing and talking as you did so. dustin stopped walking and turned around to face you and steve. he looked at steve's arm and looked back at steve. "holy shit, you actually did it." he said. "you actually told her." steve rolled his eyes. "keep walking, henderson." dustin shrugged and turned back around. "told you, steve, all you had to do was find your suzie." he said and began walking again. steve looked at you before you both burst out into laughter again.

1314 words

steve harrington | imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang