| just in case |

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you remember the day max read out the symptoms of this 'vecna's curse' - as the group call it - like it was yesterday. mainly because it was only a few days ago but also because this is when you realised you were going to be a victim to this curse.

you were standing in ms kelley's room at the high school as max looked over chrissy and fred's files, joining together the dots that they both had the exact same symptoms before being taken by this hideous creature.

"it says here that they both had been having severe headaches, nosebleeds and vivid nightmares. trouble sleeping, waking up in a cold sweat." max informed the group standing around her.

you stiffened up. it was probably just a coincidence that you were also experiencing those symptoms, right?

"they'd also been experiencing hallucinations. visions even, of traumatic incidents that happened in their past." she added.

it definitely wasn't a coincidence now. you were just like fred and chrissy, you were cursed.

dustin was asking multiple questions in a row whilst nancy was trying to take a look at the files. robin also peeked over max's shoulder to look at the files.

you rushed out of the room to get some air and to clear your mind.

steve saw you leave in a hurry and was straight on your tail, he would be stupid to leave you alone at a time like this.

you had walked down the dark hall and sat with your back to the row of lockers, you hugged your knees to your chest and buried your head between them.

steve could just barley see your figure in the dark.

he walked over and sat beside you, carful not to startle you but no matter how careful he was, you were right on the edge at this moment.

you jumped away from him, not even taking a minute to see who was beside you but just assuming it was danger.

steve grabbed the flashlight out of his pocket and switched it on to brighten up the hallway.

he sat it on the floor so you could see each other and he held his hands up.

"it's only me. are you okay?" he asked, not moving closer to respect your boundaries.

you stifled a cry and just nodded. "i'm fine." you replied, pathetically.

steve furrowed his eyebrows and gave you a look as if to say you don't think i'm buying that, do you?

you sighed and moved back to your original position, right beside him.

steve waited a second before he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and held you close to him.

"what's wrong? why'd you run off?" he asked before planting a soft and sweet kiss to your temple.

"i'm next, steve." you managed to say.

he was confused by this. "next? for what?" he asked.

"vecna's curse. i'm next." you cried. "i've been having those symptoms like fred and chrissy, verbatim. i'm gonna be next."

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