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Enji knew that his family was hiding something from him. They were acting too suspicious to not be. He had caught Shouto excitedly muttering about the weekend too many times for it to be just for the reprieve from training. It didn't help that the few times he was home from the agency on the weekend, he was alone in the large house. He wasn't even sure the rest of his family knew he didn't go to work some weekends, assuming he had already left before sneaking out of the estate. They would return with smiles on their faces, but those smiles would immediately turn solemn when they saw him. It killed him inside to think that their happiness was derived from his absence, but there were little hints here and there that it was more than that.

A few times, he'd seen Shouto brag to his mother about a new technique someone had taught him, or watched as Touya, Natsuo and Fuyumi baked something with ease as Rei supervised. Clearly, someone was teaching them something and Enji wanted to know who it was.

It was easy enough to dispatch a small group of sidekicks to follow his family, he would go himself but he was too noticeable. Kiddo, Onima, and Asper were easy choices, they were the most capable of staying hidden. Enji could admit many of his sidekicks were flashy and unfit for spying most of the time, but these three were the best he had. Hopefully, they could follow his family without getting caught.

Enji busied himself with patrol and paperwork that day. Of all his responsibilities as a pro hero, the No. 1 villain was paperwork. It was boring and doing it didn't stop people from dying, but it did let him continue to be a pro hero so he was forced to do it.

"Endeavor! There's a villain with some sort of tape quirk terrorising Downtown Musutafu!" He stood up from where he sat at his desk. Flames roaring to life, Endeavor blasted to the scene, rocketing with the fires of his quirk.


Onima was one of Endeavor's sidekicks, part of the Flaming Sidekickers, a title he was proud of. He was born with a quirk that let him control existing flames, it made him resistant to flames but without a source of fire, he was functionally quirkless. He had almost given up on his dreams when Endeavor had picked him up and yelled at him.

"YOU IDIOT!! IF YOU WANT TO BE A HERO YOU NEED TO WORK HARD! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE A TOP HERO RIGHT?! IF YOU JUST WANT TO BE A HERO THEN WORK FOR IT!" Endeavor had been right of course. Onima didn't want to be a top hero, he just wanted to be in heroics. It didn't matter to him if he was famous or not, he just wanted to help people.

When Endeavor had offered him a place as his sidekick, Onima had immediately accepted and never looked back. The Endeavor Agency, unlike many other agencies, had excellent pay and healthcare plans for all its employees. Compared to an agency like iPhome Hero Agency, life was heaven. He'd heard somewhere down the grapevine that the sidekicks there, were worked ragged and weren't acknowledged nearly as much as the Flaming Sidekickers are. Yeah. Life was good.

Today, Endeavor had asked him, Kiddo, and Asper to tail his family. He owed everything to his boss so, despite the strange request, he agreed easily. The Todoroki Family were typically kept away from the public eye, Endeavor had to give them a photo of his family so they'd recognise them. His wife was a beautiful woman with snow-white hair that hung below her shoulders and grey eyes that ironically seemed to glow with warmth. She was slim and wore soft colours that made her look even paler. The children obviously bore a lot of her traits, the daughter looked like a clone of her, but with the boss' blue eyes instead of her grey. Endeavor had three sons. The eldest was a slender teen, the only thing that signalled him being one of Endeavor's was his eyes, they were a deep blue like his father and sister. The child that resembled Endeavor the most was Natsuo, who had Endeavor's frame but Rei's colouring.

Onima, Kiddo, and Asper started their mission by staking out the Todoroki Estate early in the morning. The sun wasn't even fully in the sky when the first signs of movement began. The silent house slowly came to life and they could hear the whispers of the family and the muted excitement of the children. They didn't have to wait long to see the family, Rei Todoroki and her children stepped out with cheerful smiles on their faces.

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