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The week that led up to the Sports Festival was a mess of emotions for many people. For Katsuki, it was a chance to reflect on his past actions and think about the consequences. What that bastard Monoma had said hit a little too close for Katsuki's comfort.

He hadn't known about the Class of 2 before, but he'd done some digging. There were multiple rumours online about a class that was nearly completely expelled from UA for some reason, but it didn't specify. If what that bastard said was true...aside from that, he'd also mentioned Pro Hero Blaze, so he was probably close with the Todoroki Family..

Leaning back in his chair, Katsuki scrunched his eyes closed and rubbed at his temples. He had a lot to think about.


Izuku was stunned. Even as a hero fanboy, there were still things even he was not privy to. The world of heroics may appear to be in the spotlight, but Izuku's been researching long enough to know that there was a secretive side to hero society that the public was unable to see. Only those close to heroes, or the heroes' families were able to have access to certain bits of information. A certain bit had managed to uproot his world today.

UA had expelled nearly their entire heroics class because they were bullies. UA had stood up for their student. Of course, that was a decision any hero would make, but...why hadn't HIS teachers done anything then? Why had they left him at the mercy of his classmates as if he didn't exist?

If what UA did was what was correct. How many times had he been wronged? How much had the school gotten away with?

Sitting in his room with the curtains drawn tightly shut. Izuku stared into the darkness as thoughts threatened to overwhelm his mind. He didn't have time for this. He had to train. He had to make All Might proud and prove he'd made the correct choice in a successor.


To Shouto, Neito's announcement didn't change much. During the week that they had to prepare, he asked his dad to train him. His siblings had also offered their support and trained him a little. Touya helped him with his flame control with Nabe and Fuyumi and Natsuo had helped fine-tune his ice manipulation techniques. Though it was easy to have large quantities of ice erupt from anywhere, Fuyumi had scolded him for not putting in the same effort in his precision work. She'd trained him mercilessly for two whole days to make sure he understood. Really. Fuyumi could be a drill sergeant with the way she acted during training. It was like his sweet sister melted away to show the stony strictness underneath. Despite the whirlwind of training, Shouto's family made sure he had time to relax and mentally prepare for the Sports Festival, each promising to be there to cheer him on. All in all, it was a peaceful week.



-When Akira meets Nabe for the first time-

It was pretty easy to partner up with your best friend when you two are the only students in the class. Akira and Touya had to work on a group assignment on hero ethics and his friend invited him over to study. That was normal enough, from the interactions he'd observed with his ex-classmates, this should be what typical friends did. (Akira's never had a friend after his quirk was deemed useless, so he didn't really know, but he hopes that he could get closer to his new friend after this assignment.) When Touya invited him to meet "his dad", Akira had mentally prepared himself to come face-to-face with Endeavor. The No. 2 Hero had always been an intimidating figure to him. Powerful and influential, Endeavor was one of the people no one would want to be on the bad side of. That was...until a few months ago.

It was a slight shift, but Akira, as well as some of the man's diehard fans, had noticed it. Endeavor had softened just a little, and there always seemed to be a strange look on his face whenever he thought no one was watching. Now Akira knew why though. The No. 2 Hero's eldest son was entering high school as a hero student.

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