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With Null's help and connections, the heroes were able to gather information at a much faster rate than they would have, had they worked alone. The vast network the man had built over the years was honestly both impressive and concerning. Impressive, because it made their investigation so much smoother, but concerning, because Null was a vigilante, and not a hero. When this is all over, they'd need to keep a closer eye on the underground, and maybe add Eraserhead into the discussion as well. Through some of Null's contacts, they were able to speak to other vigilantes about their observations on the underground's movements. Typically, the denizens of the underground trusted no one, and worked alone, barring organisations such as yakuza groups. In more recent days though, there were an increasing number of villain groups forming, most likely inspired by the League of Villains. These new groups acted with varying degrees of success. According to their intel, whilst some groups found the organisation easier to commit crimes in, other groups failed spectacularly, fighting amongst themselves and fizzling out. From what Blaze had heard, one group of villains had gotten into a fight near the docks and made themselves enough of a nuisance to be eliminated by stronger forces. The underground was truly a scary place, people could disappear without anyone ever questioning it.

Blaze knew that after these investigations, he'd have a healthy fear of the underground. He was thankful he was a limelight hero.


Shouta was tired. He was usually tired, but this was a new low, even for him. The past several nights were spent tracking down and capturing multiple villains. Even with his position as a teacher at UA, Shouta was still a hero. A hero, who needed to patrol at night. Oh joy.

His agency had notified him of a suspicious increase in villain activity on his route. Due to the multiple events happening at UA, Shouta had been unable to keep track of his usual route as much as he would have in a normal year. Too bad, someone clearly hated him and decided to unleash a crowd of villains into his patrol zone, how inconsiderate of them. He'd spent all night capturing and interrogating the villains, most of whom wore some strange kind of bird mask. When he and Tsukauchi had interrogated them about it, not a single villain would explain just what those masks meant, even when it was clear that they were all part of the same organisation.

The villain he was currently apprehending was another of the masked men. He had a minor telekinesis quirk and had tried to throw multiple things at Shouta during their fight. It might have slowed him down if Shouta was anyone else, but he wasn't. He was Eraserhead. With Shouta's quirk erasing his, the villain went down without any issues. Honestly, his quirkless fighting was abysmal. It was obvious that the villain relied all too much on his quirk. Another reason Shouta refused to let his students rely on only one skill, it made situations like this possible.

As he wrapped the villain in his capture weapon, the tears started. Shouta was an awkward man, he could admit that to himself. He wasn't like Hizashi or Nemuri, he didn't know how to comfort someone. That made him at a loss when the villain just started blubbering in his capture weapon. He was a sorry sight, tears and snot streaming down his face as Shouta forced himself not to grimace. It was getting on his capture weapon. He'd have to clean it THOROUGHLY after his patrol.

"I FAILED! I COULDN'T COMPLETE THE MISSION!" The villain cried as Shouta did his best to wait for law enforcement to arrive. He wanted to leave the villain here the moment he started crying. He didn't know how to deal with this. On one hand, the man was sobbing. On the other, he was a villain. Either way, Shouta didn't want to be in this situation. He wanted to be in bed.

Amidst the crying, the villain started muttering, and had Shouta not been the hero he was, he would have missed it.

"Overhaul. Boss. I'm sorry...I failed..I couldn't tell you about Null's involvement with the heroes...I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The crying slowly stopped, but that didn't make Shouta's job any easier. The villain looked like he was now hyperventilating. He was sweating, panting, and if Shouta hadn't had him immobilised in his capture scarf, he'd probably be shaking. Shit. When will law enforcement get here again? They'd be better equipped to deal with this situation.

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