The Cave

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"All Ready?"Jin asked when everyone had took a torch.
The others nodded.
"Then let's go!"Jin said.
They all took a deep breath and went inside the cave with their torches flashing light.

"Ooooo, I can hear water rushing!"Rosè squealed.
"That's just the lake outside"explained Namjoon.
Rosè looked disappointed.

They started going more deep in the cave.
"It feels stupid now, Searching for the gem,We are never gonna find it!"said Lisa who was very trustfrated by this time.
"Have hope!"said Jisoo.
"I am right here!"Jhope shouted.
The others giggled.

"But really,I also don't think we  are ever gonna find the gem"said Rosè.
"Well maybe that's true but we can just spend time with each other this way you know"said Jungkook, smiling.
"Yeah"agreed Rosè.

They went in deeper and saw that the cave had started to shine.
"Those are the gems!"exclaimed Jimin.

"Water!"exclaimed Jin.
Water was flowing very gently down the cave and it barely reached their ankels.
After going a bit further,they saw two more minicaves inside.

Through one was flowing water and the other remained shining.
They chose to enter the shining one since they didn't wanna risk drowning in case the water level increased.

After 45 minutes of exploring,The friends were exhausted.
"Let's eat"suggested Suga.
The others agreed immediately.

They sat down and Jisoo took 2 tiffin box out of her bag.
"I have packed 10 chicken Sandwiches"said Jisoo.
"Only 10?"said Jhope, raising his eyebrows.
"You drink your Sprite only!"Lisa said.
Jhope frowned.

"And I have a bottle of orange juice as well!"Jisoo announced as she took out a big bottle of orange juice.
"And finally, some fruit cake!"said Jisoo and took out a big fruit cake.

The others eyed the food in admiration.
Then they started eating the food hungrily.
They were starving.
Afterall they just had a box of nuggets 2 hours ago.

After their picnic in the cave,It was already very late,So they came back home.
It was a long journey and they didn't reach home till 10PM.
So ofcourse,The guards were a bit furious.
But the girls didn't mind,They had so much fun.

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