Chapter 3 - Boot Camp

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  Parkview High was engulfed in flames. Most of the bullies had accidently given themselves hanging wedgies while trying to jump out the windows to safety, while others were stuck in the open dumpster below. Brayden has heroically saved the cheerleaders and all the hot girls. To show her gratitude, Emma Thompson was about to make out with him. Their lips were about to meet in sweet embrace... and *buzz* *buzz*

Noooo!!!! Brayden was awoken by the buzzing of his phone. He rolled over, and squinted looking at the screen. It was a text from Aiden. It was 5:45am on a saturday.

A: u up?

B: no

A: need to talk

B: sup?

A: need to talk about swim team

Brayden closed his eyes and exhaled heavily. Brayden had been expecting this. Aiden was going to tell him that he didn't want to join the team anymore. Brayden didn't blame him. If anything, he felt guilty for dragging him into it in the first place. He knew how emotional his best friend was. Yesterday was hell for Aiden. If anything, quitting was a blessing. Aiden was not a good swimmer. There was very little chance that he would make the team anyway. This would spare him that rejection.

B: I don't blame you for quitting. Those guys are dicks

There was a long silence. He could see that Aiden was typing something back.

A: Quitting? I have been up all night watching swimming videos. I am going to be super ready for monday! I am going to crush Connor. Every race I beat him I am going to rub his face in it. 

Brayden had to stop and see if this madness was also a dream. Once he had convinced himself this was real, he tried to talk some sense into his delusional friend. 

B: You can't just watch a few videos and be good. it takes years of practice and training

A: don't have that time. need to kill it by monday. can't look stupid again

Realizing he looked stupid was the most sense Aiden had made the whole conversation. Brayden offered a better option. 

B: go to bed. meet me at the Valley Pines community pool at 12:45pm. public swimming starts at 1pm. I'll help you practice. don't be late. 

A: k thx

Aiden was eagerly waiting out front of the pool when Brayden arrived. As the pair walked inside, Brayden lectured his protege. "This is swimming boot camp! I will be your drill sergeant! You will do whatever I say! If you aren't giving 100%, we are going home!" barked Brayden, in his best tough guy voice. Aiden nodded enthusiastically. 

As they began to get changed, Brayden pulled a piece of dark green fabric from his backpack, and handed it to his friend. Aiden held it out in front of himself. "You bought me a speedo?" questioned the teen. "not exactly. I got it when I used to swim, but outgrew it before I got to wear it", explained Brayden. "thanks", replied Aiden. 

Once the lifeguard unlocked the doors, the boys were the first into the pool. The pair got quite a few odd looks and giggles from the other swimmers. Although the standard for a swim team, speedos just didn't fit in at public swimming.

After a while of practising diving in the pool and swimming laps, Brayden noticed that Aiden was starting to lose focus and was getting bored. He decided to make it fun. "lets race. loser gets a wedgie" suggested Brayden. "No way, that's just a reason for you to give me wedgies," argued Aiden. "ok, if you beat me, you can wedgie me. If you lose, you owe 5 laps,” countered Brayden. "deal" , agreed Aiden. 

Brayden easily beat Aiden. "one more try, I wasn't ready," cried Aiden. This process happened over and over, with the same results. Aiden started to lose hope and motivation. Brayden reminded him that Connor was about as fast as him. If Aiden could beat him, he could beat Connor. That fired Aidan back up. 

As Brayden said "ready! set!"Aiden jumped in the pool and started swimming. Brayden yelled "cheater" and gave chase. At the finish, Aiden narrowly beat Brayden. Brayden was about to call him out for cheating, but decided it was probably better to let him enjoy the win. 

From the minute the doors opened, to the third time that the cute blond lifeguard told them that public swimming was over and to get out of the pool now!, the boys didn't stop practising. Aiden had improved a lot, but was it enough to make the team? 

The boys stood out front of the pool, playing on their phones, waiting for their rides to arrive. Aiden broke the silence. "hey Brayden.... thanks for doing this". Brayden responded" no problem", and went back to his phone. 

"Hey Brayden.... I still owe you that wedgie" giggled Aiden. "I was only joking", lied Brayden, "besides, you jumped in before I said Go". Aiden just shook his head. "A deal is a deal" said Aiden, with a big smile, as he motioned with his finger for Brayden to turn around.  Reluctantly, Brayden turned around to accept his punishment. He felt Aiden's fingers dig down the back of his shorts and latch on to his bright orange boxers. with a violent thrust upward, Aiden squealed "wedgieee!" Brayden heard laughter. As he turned around, he saw a group of girls about his age that had just walked out of the front doors of the pool. He turned away as his face went red with embarrassment. He couldn't help but think that it wouldn't be spending quality time with Aiden if someone didn't end up embarrassed or humiliated.

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