Chapter 4 - Second Chance to Make a First Impression

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The boys waited on the pool deck for the second day of tryouts to begin. This time they made sure to stand far away from the pool's edge, to avoid being pushed in again. Aiden still felt silly wearing his new speedo, but felt better about fitting in.

Brayden noticed that there were less rookies there today. He figured that some kids had either changed their minds, or simply couldn't handle the smack talk and taunting that the older kids had dished out. He specifically noticed that the Kid that didn't shower was absent. 

Sadly, Connor was there. He approached the boys, with his normal smug look. " aww look! baby Gay-den traded in his baby diaper for a real bathing suit. I didn't know they came in toddler size", mocked Connor. "go away, Connor!" Growled Aiden. "Go AwAy CoNnOr!" mocked Connor in a high pitched voice, as he yanked the front waistband of the nerd's speedo upward in a melvin. Aiden let out a high pitched squeel, causing everyone to look. Connor just laughed and walked away.  "I hate him!" , mumbled Aiden, under his breath. 

After the Coach's typical "try hard, good luck" speech, He announced that Liam Bell would be leading the practice today. Liam was a senior and top swimmer. It was already assumed that he would be the team's captain this season.

After a quick warm up, they hit the pool. As Aiden swam his first mock race, everyone's jaw hit the floor. Even the coach watched in shock. The kid that could barely swim on friday looked like a seasoned pro on monday.  The little kid that was funny to watch and make fun of, was now holding his own against the mid pack swimmers. 

For the final part of the practice, Liam announced that all six rookies would compete in a race. As the boys lined up, Connor made sure to be in the lane right beside Aiden. Connor whispered to Aiden that he was going to hang him up by his new speedo when he won the race. Aiden remained stone cold, and replied that he was going to hang that speedo on Connor's mothers bedpost when won. Both Brayden and Michael over heard, and both began to laugh out loud. Liam yelled for them to pay attention, then blew the whistle to start. At the finish, it was Brayden with the win, but most unexpectedly, It was Aiden in 2nd, over Michael then Connor. Chris and Jackson finished out the field. 

As they walked back to the locker room, Liam called out, "Mathews, you earned some hot water for that win! Jackson, you earned towel clean up duty for finishing last!". Brayden was ecstatic to not have to freeze to death in the shower.

As Aiden and Brayden were entering the showers, Connor walked up to Aiden and said " it must be weird for you to be in a shower, and not be hogtied,
and gagged". This was the last straw. Aiden Yelled "Fuck You!" as he shoved Connor, causing him to trip backwards, landing on his back, then sliding across the wet tile. Everyone in the shower just looked on in shock. Connor just layed there, speechless. Aiden turned around and continued on with his shower like nothing happened. Eventually, Connor got up and left the showers, still in shock. 

Once they got back to the locker room, Brayden noticed that Connor was over talking to Nick. Nick looked angry, as the two cousin's left the locker room. Although Brayden was proud of his best friend for finally sticking up for himself, he couldn't help but think that he may have bitten off more than he could chew. The Monaghan family didn't seem the kind to back down to a mouthy nerd. Revenge was not a matter of if, but when.

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