Chapter 8 - The Final Test

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The four freshmen looked at the mirror in confusion and disbelief. The words "welcome to the team" were written on each boy's chest. Michael was the first to break the silence, "does this mean we have actually made the team? Is this a joke?". Brayden added, "but the coach hasn't even posted the team yet".

"Believe it, boys!" remarked Liam, adding, "but that's just from the coach. you still have one more test to pass for us, before the rest of the team will accept you. But first, hit the showers, you guys are a mess!"

As the boys walked toward the showers, Connor asked, "Do we at least get hot water this time?"

"Hell no!" yelled Nick

As Brayden followed Michael into the showers, he couldn't resist. He grabbed on to the waistband of the blond pretty boy, and gave it a playful tug. This caused more mess to squirt out of Micheal's speedo. Michael spun around with a smile and replied, " Oh, you want to play that game!", as he returned the favour by giving the teen a quick melvin. Seeing this, Connor seized the opportunity to pick Aiden up in the air by the front of his green speedo. Aiden's feet flailed around until he made contact with Connor's groin, Causing him to drop the tiny freshmen. Aiden picked up a shaving cream can that was discarded on the floor from the earlier messy fun, and sprayed his attacker like it was silly string. This triggered an every man for himself wedgie war between the freshmen.

Upon hearing all the laughing, yelling, and girlish screams coming from the showers, the older teens came to investigate. Seeing that it appeared to be all in good fun, the team decided to allow things to continue, and watched the show. They even began to cheer them on. Eventually, things started to get a little too rough, and Liam finally put a stop to the fun.

A few minutes later, the four boys finally finished showering. Shivering from the ice cold shower, the towel wearing freshmen gathered in front of the team. They nervously awaited further instructions of the final test.

"For your final test, you guys are going swimming together. Think of it as some fun team bonding time", said Liam.

"Are we going to have to swim a bunch of laps or something?", whined Connor.

Liam replied, "no, just a fun relaxing swim. Oh, did I mention it was skinny dipping?"

"You mean, like, naked?", asked Michael, nervously. This drew a laugh from the team.

"Yup, now drop those towels and get in the pool, boys", ordered Liam

None of the four rookies moved an inch. They just stood there in shock. Despite the team already seeing them naked in the shower and locker room, Being in the pool seemed much worse for some reason.

Liam finally broke the silence, telling the boys that if they weren't in the pool by the count of ten, he was going to text the cheerleaders to come watch the show. This caused the four freshmen to drop the towels, and bolt for the pool door. They cautiously peaked outside before running toward the pool. All four boys had their hands covering themselves as they ran.

"HEY!", Boomed Nick. The Freshmen stopped dead in their tracks. "No running near the pool!", yelled Nick. The four rookies continued on, walking as fast as they felt would be allowed.

Upon reaching the pool's edge, the teens stopped. None seemed to want to be the first to jump in. Aiden took the opportunity for payback, and pushed Connor in the pool, then replied sarcastically. " opps, sorry", just as Connor had done to him at the first tryout.

The rest of the freshmen jumped in the pool, joining Connor. They all just floated there nervously, with their hands covering themselves. "If you don't start swimming around and having fun, we are going to find you an audience", threatened Liam. Reluctantly the boys began to swim around. Eventually they started to splash each other and have fun, forgetting that they were in fact naked.

"Alright, everyone out of the pool", shouted the newly appointed team captain. The rookies scurried back to the relative safety of the locker room. Brayden hoped that this embarrassing, yet strangely fun afternoon was almost over.

Once inside, Liam ordered the four freshmen to line up facing the wall and close their eyes. Liam said that they couldn't keep running around the school naked, and that the team was going to find them something pretty to wear. Brayden didn't like the tone that the team captain had said it in. His mind immediately went to the worse case scenarios, which involved something embarrassing, like a cheerleader uniform or a pink dress. After Brayden heard lots of movement behind them, they were ordered to turn around but to keep their eyes closed. Once Liam had ordered the rookies to open their eyes, they saw two team members in front of each of them. One was holding a "Parkview Panthers Swim Team" t-shirt, the other was holding one of the blue and grey speedos that Brayden so desperately cuvited.

Connor thought about making the "I didn't know they came in toddler sizes" joke again to Aiden, but thought better of it this time. He knew Nick would only make him pay for it later.

Once they had tried on their new clothing, Liam jokingly warned the rookies that they were not allowed to have another wedgie war and risk damaging the new team speedos.

As everyone got dressed to go home, Brayden noticed the zipper of his backpack had been left open. Sure that he had closed it earlier, he quickly looked inside to see if anything had been taken. Inside he found a folded piece of paper. He unfolded it and read the message:

"I know you liked being tied up and messy. Want to do it again?"

Brayden didn't know what to think. Someone on the team knew his deepest darkest secret. But who?

The End ?

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