Chapter 7 - Paying Their Dues

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As soon as school ended, Brayden and Aiden hurried to the pool. They didn't want to be late for the Coach's last minute third tryout, which Liam had texted them about last night. They didn't want to make the wrong impression with the Coach, especially right before he was going to pick this season's team.

As they approached the entrance, They noticed a group of the older swimmers talking outside the locker room. Brayden noticed a new piece of paper pinned to the information board. Brayden eagerly asked, "Is that the team roster"? Liam explained that it was the schedule for today's practice. The tall slender senior then ushered the pair into the locker room, explaining that they needed to hurry or they would be late. 

As the pair made their way to their normal spot in the back of the locker room, one of the older kids looked at Aiden and joked, " Look out, here comes the big bully", while another added, "hide the garbage cans". Clearly the whole team had seen the video of Aiden and Connor from this morning. 

The nerdy freshmen hurried to get changed. Brayden noticed that Michael was already there, as were most of the previous year's team. Nick and Connor entered together, soon after, followed by the rest of the older kids that were talking outside. Jackson and Chris had not arrived yet. 

As Connor started to get changed, Nick commented on how badly Aiden had stretched his younger cousin's underwear. Brayden and Aiden laughed a little to themselves, knowing that Connor had probably not told his cousin about the chair wedgie at lunch. 

As Brayden, Aiden and Michael started to head to the door to the pool, Liam stopped them. "Hold up, boys. Let's have a quick team huddle first", said the senior. He called for the rest of the locker room to gather around five chairs that for some reason had been left in the middle of the locker room. It was the same generic motivational speech that they had received before the first two tryout practices. After he was finished, the older students were dismissed to finish changing. 

Liam offered the four seats to the freshmen, as he took the fifth one for himself. He casually sat backwards on the uncomfortable plastic school chair, facing the row of freshmen. Brayden immediately figured that they were about to get a lecture about their behavior at the previous practices. 

Liam addressed the rookies, "Looks like we are missing a couple bodies. Hopefully they are just running a bit late. First, I just want to take a second to say how great you guys have been doing. I would be proud to have any of you on my team. Aiden, your improvement has been amazing. Brayden, I hear you have a large part in that. It's good to see a team player willing to help another swimmer. Keep it up and you could be a captain in a few years. Michael, you bring a great attitude and determination. Connor.... Connor, Connor, Connor. You are a hell of a swimmer, and a fierce competitor. I just hope this morning's events help you realize that you can't treat your teammates like shit. If you ditch that attitude, you could go places". Connor just nodded in agreement. 

Liam continued, " I know the boys have been hard on you. That isn't going to change. Its nothing personal. It's only because you are freshmen and rookies, and you have to pay your dues. We all did."

Liam went on, "Anyway, the real reason the coach asked me to talk to you was to teach you some of my pre-swimming stretches. You need to be sitting, hence the chairs. First you lean forward with your arms straight out in front of you, Like this, then hold it for a count of 10". The freshmen copied Liam's stretching. "Then back behind you". 

As Brayden held his arms behind him and countered to ten, a hand reached around from behind and covered his mouth, clamping on to his face. An arm bear hugged him against the back of the seat. At the same time another pair of hands held his wrists. Brayden began to thrash violently, attempting to break free from his attackers. He felt cold metal on his wrist, then heard the tell tale sound of handcuffs closing. He looked at his neighbours, and saw that they were receiving the same treatment. Liam just sat there smiling, watching the show. 

Once all four freshmen were secure, Liam got up and started helping. First, the hand gags were replaced with bandanas, knotted as cleave gags. Next, the boys were blindfolded with more bandanas. To secure their legs, rope was used to tie them to the chair legs at the ankle and just below the knee. Each knot was done with expert care. Their wrists and chest were secured to the chair back with more rope. Once he felt that they were done, Brayden instinctively tested his bonds. Aside from being able to lift his butt up a little off the chair, he was stuck good. 

Brayden's chair was lifted up, and carried a short distance. The echo and dripping sound told him that he was in the shower. The other muffled grunts and moans told him that the others were with him. 

Brayden expected the cold showers to come on, but instead he felt someone pull the front of his speedo away from his stomach, then a hissing sound as something cold and soft filled his bathing suit. He guessed shaving cream. A few minutes later he felt something gooey and chunky land on his head, and begin to run down his head and body. Judging by the smell, maybe alphagetti. Next was a shaving cream pie to the face. 

Although he was reminded of the humiliating experience in the cafeteria the first week of school (see Freshmen Hell Ch1- Hell in the cafeteria) , he secretly liked this. He had seen pictures and videos on the internet of messy fun called gunge or Wam. 

The lumpy goo (baked beans) down the back of his speedo felt strange as it ran down his crack and settled at the bottom. Things felt even stranger as someone grabbed the front of his speedo, and gave him a messy melvin (a wedgie but from the front). Slop ran everywhere and squished out his leg hole. More goo was poured over his head. This was more of a thick liquid. Brayden pretended that it was a bucket of slime from a gameshow. 

Next, Brayden felt someone wiping his chest off with a towel. Then he felt the tip of a marker, gliding on his skin. He tried to imagine what degrading words or vulgar images were being drawn. The feeling of the marker against his ribs tickled, causing him to laugh into his gag. He heard Nick say, "this one is ticklish, we will have to remember that for later". Brayden hated being tickled. 

After what felt like an eternity of messy, gooey bliss, Liam announced that it was time to untie them. Once all the ropes were untied, The boys were pulled up to a standing position with a wedgie. Goo squished everywhere. Brayden was in heaven. The blindfold, gag and handcuffs remained on, as the boys were marched a short distance, guided by the wedgies. Once lined up in front of the large mirror behind the sinks, The gags were removed, followed by the blindfolds.

The first thing Brayden noticed was just how messy they all were. Shaving cream squished out of his tight fitting swimwear like a half open pillsbury tube. Then, almost simultaneously, all four rookies noticed the words written on their chests. They were all speechless and confused. 

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