Chapter 5 - Revenge of the Nerd

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The boys both received a text from Liam on Monday after tryouts. The coach had called a 3rd and final tryout and practice tomorrow after school. The coach must have been having trouble narrowing down the list of potential team members.

The next morning, Aiden was walking down a crowded hallway toward his locker when he spotted Connor, Nick and Nick's older brother Scott walking toward him. Nick and Scott looked very serious. Connor looked off, not his normal cocky and smug self. Connor looked worried.

Aiden avoided eye contact as he approached. As they passed, Nick scooped up Aiden in his arm and redirected him to walk in their direction. Nick said, "We need to talk!", as he pulled the tiny teenager in close. Aiden noticed that Scott had a firm grip on the back of Connor's neck.

Aiden began to panic. "I really need to get to class," squeaked the freshman. "Don't worry, this won't take long," replied Scott.

The group walked outside and stopped just far enough from the entrance to have some privacy for their conversation. Aiden was starting to feel sick to his stomach with anxiety.

Scott pushed Connor closer to Aiden but didn't release his grip from the younger cousin's neck. Connor kept staring at his feet, avoiding eye contact. "Connor has something to say, don't you, runt?" Boomed Scott's deep manly voice.

"I...I'm sorry" stuttered Connor, followed by an awkward silence. Connor flinched and yelped as Scott squeezed the back of his neck. "Try again!", growled Scott.

"I am sorry for what I said yesterday". Scott squeezed again, causing Connor to whimper. "and for pushing you and Brayden in the pool. Oww! and for everything we did to you in gym class", said Connor.

"Monaghan's don't go around picking on innocent people. we aren't bullies. We were raised better than that!" lectured Nick, adding "this stops now!" Connor nodded.

Nick addressed Aiden, " I could tell that something was up between you two. He wouldn't tell me at first. It took some persuasive techniques, but our little cousin eventually told us all the details of what he and his degenerate friends did to you. That wasn't cool".

"Come over here Aiden," said Scott. As Aiden walked behind Connor, Connor turned around to see what was going on. "Did I say you could turn around? eyes up front!" barked Nick. Connor immediately complied.

Nick motioned for Aiden to pull down Connor's shorts. Aiden hesitated, but decided to seize the opportunity. Connor immediately bent down to pull them back up, but Aiden was quicker and stepped on the shorts, holding them down with his foot. Nick and Scott erupted into laughter. Scott motioned for Aiden to give Connor a wedgie. Aiden grabbed the waistband of Connors camo boxers. Connor cried out, "no! wait! please! I said sorryyyyy!" as Aiden pulled up swiftly with a couple bounces for good measure. Students walking past had now stopped to watch the show. Connor was humiliated.

"Ok, that's enough," interrupted Nick. "Now it's our turn," added Scott. The Brothers manhandled their younger cousin until Nick had his feet, and Scott had his hands. The pair dropped him butt first into a nearby metal trash can. "You're right Connie, picking on smaller kids is fun," joked Nick. Scott told Aiden to grab the second garbage can and dump it over Connor, just as Connor, Ethan and Chase had done to him the week before. Aiden struggled to lift the heavy can, until the eldest Monaghan helped. Upon seeing the second can being tipped over him, Connor cried out, " No! No! No! Nooooo", but it was too late. Trash rained down on the trapped freshman, followed by a stream of liquid.

"Well, it's time for us to go to class", announced Scott. "please don't leave me here! It smells awful! I learned my lesson!" whined Connor. "I guess you shouldn't have left Aiden in the garbage then, Replied Scott, as the trio left for class.

Toward the end of gym class, Connor finally arrived. He quietly sat on the bench beside Aiden, who was waiting for his turn to rotate into the volleyball game. "Did you tell everyone what happened?" whispered Connor. "No, I haven't told anyone yet, '' replied Aiden. As Aiden got up to take his turn, Connor whispered, "hey! how do I get rid of the garbage smell?" Aiden taunted, "maybe a nice swirly, or being hogtied in a freezing cold shower should do it".

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