Chapter 24 - Happy Illusion

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Then, a scene changed once again...

It was a dark room. Only the sounds of breathing could be heard...


Then the window opened, and the figure of a man wearing black, fully covered his body, entered the room... This was the assassin that was sent by the Duke agnes, to kill Aria...

The assassin approached Aria, who was unconscious and asleep in the dark room. The assassin's footsteps made no sound, as the cold steel of his dagger glowed a blue hue...

Then, suddenly, the assassin's shadow rose up on its own, and choked the assassin's breath.

The man reflected in the pale moon light, was none other than Noah....


Noah covered the assassin's mouth, to stop him from screaming and waking up Aria. He was shocked at what the assassin was attempting to do, and said with a slightly annoyed voice...

"Shut up, the hell? What are you doing to my house? You dare to creep inside, with a murderous intent? I can't have such filthy trash enter my home!"

"Keugg," the assassin grunted in response, as he tried to break free from Noah's grasp...

"I'll kill you later," Noah whispered to the assassin as he made him disappear.

Then, Noah sat down beside Aria, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

He looked at her, with a curious look, and the memories of his past kept flashing in front of his eyes...

He couldn't kill a man in front of Aria's sleeping figure, so Noah decided to simply watch over her sleep...

But something strange was happening to Noah. It was as if his feelings of hate towards her, had turned into feelings of protectiveness towards her...

' "I can't believe I'm worried to you, by why you have silver hair?" Noah thought to himself, as he saw Aria's silver hair, in his memories...

"Out of all the colors, why that? It's paining me to see a silvery hair like you, and that woman..."

He knew he should leave the scene, and teleport back to his room in the fifth floor...

But as soon as he tried, a black silk robe was held in a tiny hand...

"Ahhh, so really really annoying?!" Noah thought, while shaking his head...

"But why should I leave?" Noah wondered, as he was trapped here.

"This is my house too, right? So what if I stay in this room? It's also a part of me, and it's mine," he said to himself, as he thought about the situation.

"Hmmm... How annoying it is that every time I see you, it's as if we are destined to meet."

"But what if I adopt you? Then you would be my first child, if I accept your request..." Noah said, as he thought about it...


"Damn it! What am I thinking?" he continued to wonder, as he thought about the idea of him adopting Aria.

"Just how dare I dream of such a thing? I'm a monster cursed by god!" he thought, with an expression of deep regret on his face.

"Do I even have what it takes to raise a child? My father raised me as a monster... Because I had the powers of god... And my mother... My mother went insane, and despised me... I cannot do it..." Noah said, with a de-jected look on his face...

"And I know very well, that the words 'children' and 'family' do not match me... A monster..." Noah said in self-reflection, as he thought about the irony of it...

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