Chapter 33 - I'm Sorry Please Forgive Me

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Noah opened his door and finding aria he felt guilty what he said to her.

Noah know that aria is silent girl he know too that aria has white and bright can be seen but the silver hair nowhere to be seen.

He ran toward to the second floor and the living room and then he sudden stopped when he saw the whole knight in the field, he run toward to Joseph with weak body.

""Your, Grace!" Joseph said to Noah, with sweat, and worry, evident, on his face...

"The lady disappeared at the capital!"

"You two, go to the capital, without my, knowing?"

"She said she, want, to explore the capital, but, we separated, since, it became crowded..."

Noah, stunned, and held his chest, as he felt, a deep sense, of worry. He felt worried, for the child, even though, she's not his child...

"Damn it! " Noah shouted, and ran, frantically, to the front door...

"Find the girl, in the whole capital. Don't stop, no matter what!" Noah tells to Joseph.

Joseph, then, hurried, to come, and try, to find, a very-panic looking Aria...

'"I shouldn't, have, not, said that, to her."

He can't, leave the mansion, because that's the law, of his curse...

"All of my memories, can't be erased. If only, I, can erase, that, I will erase, it..." Noah thought, in despair and frustration...

Then the carriage came, up, to him...

From a certain moment, sounds such as the roling of wagon wheels or the sound of horses' hooves became difficult to hear in this area.

Recently, wagons have come and gone because of aria.

Noah go Curious, he looked straight ahead, and and saw a carriage stop at a distance.

Soon a man got off the wagon.

Noah, who in his heart had expected aria to get off, said so and was about to leave the mansion again.

"Come down carefuly, Aria

Noah's feet stood still.

It was a street where normal people wouldn't be able to hear the voices.

But for noah, it sounded clear as if he was talking right next to him.

Perhaps there is a name waiting for that voice?

Noah stared blankly at the carriage with wide-open eyes.

"thank you."

"Would you like me to walk you to the front of door?"

"No. I'l go by myself."

It was obscured by the carriage, making it difficult to see the opponent.

But noan could tell that he has silver-haired man.

Soon the wagon left.

A white, girl, appeared out of nowhere, in the spot, where the carriage, disappeared... It was Aria

As she made her way into the door, she found, Noah, standing, tall, right in front of that very door with a look, as if he saw a ghost...

"...Duke?" Aria, spoke with a nervous voice, as she couldn't move, at all, and only looked, at Noah with the same look he was giving her...

She didn't know, what to say, as she saw him, looking, sick, and, worried...

"Duke, are you alright? Let me call you a doctor."

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