Tim to Kim!

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Tim's breath ran ragged as he turned the last bend of the track. It was only supposed to have been a warm-up for the tryouts but Tim had finished dead last, more than a minute after the person ahead of him. The coach looked at Tim as he finished the one mile warm up, angry and impatient.

"Look, kid, I know you must have a reason for wanting to join the football team, but I can already tell... Well, I doubt you're going to make the cut. Maybe you should try something a little more... Academic?"

"But... I..."

Tim stood hunched over with his hands on his knees, trying to regain his breath while fighting back tears. He had known he was a slow runner and not particularly athletic, but had wanted to try out for the football team to change his self-image. All throughout highschool he had been teased for being more feminine than the other boys. At only 5'5 (165cm) and 120lbs (55kg), he was not an imposing figure. His classmates made fun of him for more than just his petite frame, however; he also had a soft-spoken voice, delicate features, black hair in a pixie cut, and dainty mannerisms. The kids at highschool had called him names like sissy, bitch boy, faggot, and princess. In fact, most of the school had started calling him Kim instead of Tim after one of his teachers had misspoken freshman year. Now here he was again, this time a college freshman, embarrassing himself at football tryouts.
The rest of the new applicants had already moved on and were focused on the next warm-up drill, though a few occasionally looked back smiling at Tim. It was the rest of the team sitting in the bleachers who were more entertained by his embarrassment. They were the sophomores, juniors, and seniors who were already on the team and watched the tryouts in order to scope out new prospects. They had laughed loudly as Tim struggled to finish the last lap and a few had started up a chant of "let's go pussy" right before he had finished.

"Spare yourself the embarrassment. I doubt they're just gonna let you off with some teasing if you continue like this," the coach said nodding towards the bleachers.

Sullenly, Tim shook his head in agreement and started walking towards the locker room. The men in the stands, meanwhile, laughed loudly and called him all the same names he had heard in highschool. Soon Tim was crying, running through a blur of tears to escape the torment. As he approached the locker rooms, Tim saw that a group of girls was standing waiting outside the women's room. They turned to look at him as he approached and a few snickered as he ran past and into the men's. Once their, Tim began to fully sob. He had hoped that joining the football team would be the first step towards proving that he was a real man, but it had turned out just the opposite. Tim stripped naked and put his clothes on a bench before getting in the shower. He turned it on as hot as it would go and stood in the stream, letting his tears mix with the water. After a minute or two, though, he heard a group of guys loudly enter laughing about something.

"Now where is the little bitch I wonder," one voice asked.
"Here's her clothes, I think she's in the shower."
"Hello, is there a sissy girl in here?"

Tim's heart sank and fear welled up in his stomach as three muscle-bound football players turned into the shower smiling.

"Awww, what's a sissy girl like you doing in the men's locker room? The women's is across the hall."

"Does sissy not know how to read?"

"I bet the little slut snuck in to sniff our used jockstraps."

"Is that it fag? Were you smelling my sweaty jock?"

The three looked smiling at Tim as he stood stupidly with his mouth open.

"I--I n--no I--" Tim protested weakly as he moved his hands to hide his little prick from view.

"No, but if you're not here to smell our dirty underwear then what other reason would a sissy pervert like you have for being in the men's locker room?"

"Maybe she's waiting for tryouts to end. A slut like her might want to reward the new team members," The biggest of the three said, stepping forward and turning off the shower. He stood more than a foot taller than Tim and with his heavy set build Tim looked like a Barbie doll in comparison. Exposed and shivering wet, Tim tried to look down and away but the big man before him took his head firmly by the chin and tilted it up to look him in the eyes.

"Well sissy, is that what you were hoping for? Did you wanna tryout to be our new locker room whore? That's certainly the only way you'd ever make this team."

The two others laughed at that.

"Maybe we should help her warmup before tryouts are over," one suggested, grinning.

"N--no, please. No" Tim managed to stutter out as tears rolled down his face.

"Aww, the sissy says no! How cute," the big one right in front of Tim said as he undid his belt and pulled down his pants. His cock was massive. He was still wearing his jockstrap from practice earlier and his semi bulged out so forcefully Tim could distinguish individual veins through the fabric. Tim whimpered softly at the sight.

"Please don't make me," he muttered.

"But I thought this was what sissy was here for? Unless you really do want to sniff our jocks?" The big man said smiling.

"I--I changed my mind," Tim demurred, holding back the tears.

"Admit it to us then. Get on your knees and say 'I'm a sissy faggot and I'm addicted to sniffing jock straps.' You know what let me film it too."

Tim stood frozen with fear as the big one in front of him reached down into the pocket of his pants on the floor to get out his phone.

"Go ahead sissy tell everyone what you were just telling us," he said, placing a hand on Tim's shoulder and forcing him to his knees. Tim's slender body complied with the football player's desires as he sensed what remained of his male pride starting to die out.

"I'm a sissy faggot and I'm addicted to sniffing jock straps," Tim said weakly, hopeful that would be the end of it.

The three laughed as the big one pulled off his jockstrap and threw it across Tim's face.

"What's your name bitch?" He roared commandingly as his underwear fell across Tim's face.

"Kim," Tim answered automatically, a reflex from his years of highschool bullying.

"Ok Kim and what are you?"

"A sissy faggot."

"Good now take a few deep whiffs of that and thank me. Make sure to call me Daddy when you do it too, slut."

Seeing no other way out of it, Tim--no, Kim breathed deeply three times before whimpering, "Thank you for letting me sniff your jock Daddy."

And then, just as the words left her mouth and much to her own horror and confusion, Kim felt her little clit tickle with excitement.

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