Kim Meets the Team!

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Kim pressed desperately against the door trying to leave but Kyle and his friends must have been holding it shut from the other side. After a half minute of weakly struggling against the door, Kim began to hear giggling coming from behind her and timidly turned around to see who it was gawking. When she did, there stood eight girls in matching cheer uniforms smirking and a few laughing from behind raised hands. Kim's face reddened deeply as she became acutely aware of her dripping wet, naked body. The first thing she was struck by was how beautiful these girls were. Each was at least as tall or taller than Kim and they had a range of athletic builds. The one closest to her stepped forward smiling. She was a tall blonde girl with a skinny frame and deep blue eyes.

"Hi there, are you here for cheer tryouts?" She asked, her face full of sincerity.

"I--I... Mean I--" Kim started to stutter, unable to break eye contact with one of the girls near the back who was staring her down and grinning hungrily.

"Aww there's no need to be shy about it. Here, my name's Tanya. What about you?"

"I--my n-name's Tim," as soon as the words left her mouth, Tanya smirked then gave a quick, strong kick with her white cheer sneaker between Kim's legs. At the hit, Kim let out a squeaky yelp and felt her stomach turn. Then the pain started as Kim's legs turned to jello and she fell to her hands and knees. A moment passed where Kim simply whimpered sweetly on the locker room floor as she shook in pain. Then Tanya placed her sneakered foot on Kim's face.

"Don't be silly sissy, what's your real name," she asked smiling down at Kim as the other girls laughed.

"K--Kim," the sissy responded, weak and defeated.

"Aww Kim, is that short for Kimberly? Kimberly is the perfect name for a sissy like you. Come on Kimberly you're just in time for tryouts."

And with that Tanya was pulling Kim to her feet and leading her by the wrist through the locker room. As they passed the other girls looked Kim's naked body up and down and the one girl who had been staring Kim down the whole time slapped her on the ass as she passed, much to Kim's surprise.

As Tanya led her away from the others, the sinking pain and nausea in Kim's stomach began to subside. Her clit had gone limp in the meantime, though she couldn't have said when, and once they had reached the shower room it was shrunk to a bare nub from the cold and lingering pain.

"Okay sissy, if you want to make the team you're going to have to take care of that body hair first. I know it seems like a lot, but it's a strict rule for the team. If we ever see you with any hair below the eye brows that's a big no-no. For now you can just shave but if you make the team we'll have to look into some more permanent options later."

As Tanya spoke she reached into a shower bag on the bench and pulled out a razor before turning on the closest shower head.

"Here, I'll be waiting outside when you're done. Try not to take too long and remember I don't want to see any hair below the eyebrow when you walk out."

With that Tanya left Kim alone in the shower. At first Kim was uncertain how to shave her body hair. In highschool once these two girls, Elise and Sarah, whom Kim had thought were her friends invited her over to one of their houses. Once she had arrived though, they pinned Kim down and shaved her legs. The next day changing before PE all the boys had called her a sissy or a fag and she had to say she just liked the way her legs looked shaved rather than admit she had been overwhelmed by two girls. Now, Kim tried to copy what she remembered Elise and Sarah as having done and figured it couldn't be all that different from shaving her face. Just as she was beginning to get the hang of it though, Kim heard steps from behind. When she turned to see who was coming Kim saw the face of the girl who had been staring at her before. She was the shortest of the girls, almost Kim's height, and had a small waist, a mousey face with freckles and a septum piercing, pale white skin, and short black hair in a pixie cut almost identical to Kim's.

"Hey bitch," the girl said smirking. "Being a good sissy I hope?"

"Umm... Yes." Kim responded a little confused.

"It's yes miss Summers, but since you didn't know that yet I'll let you off this time."

She looked down at Kim shaving her legs in the shower, here small green eyes fiery and piercing.

"I wouldn't do it that way if I were you slut. You'll get ingrown hairs and if that happens... Well we don't want a sissy with bumpy legs now do we. Here give it to me."

Kim handed over the razor, meekly looking down to avoid eye contact.

"Now turn around like a good girl."

Kim complied, turning to face the shower wall.

"You have to go in the direction the hair grows not against it," miss Summers said as she began shaving up the back of Kim's thighs. "You don't get as close of a shave this way but trust me in the long term it'll be better. We wanna keep your bum nice and smooth for people to play with, don't we slut?"

When an answer was not forthcoming miss Summers gave Kim a hard slap on the ass and the sissy cried out from the sting.

"You answer when miss Summers asks you a question sissy."

"Y--yes," miss Summers slapped Kim's ass again, even harder this time and Kim had to catch herself on the wall to keep from falling over. For the second time that day she was glad to have the shower to hide her tears.

"Yes what slut!"

"Yes m-miss Summers I want my ass to be smooth for people to play with."

"Of course you do sissy, otherwise you wouldn't be trying out to be our slut. Though fresh meat like you is going to have to be broken in a little bit first."

After she said this, miss Summers gave her left middle finger a long suck then stuck it forcefully inside Kim from behind. The sensation was so sudden that Kim didn't know what was happening at first. She cried out in confusion before miss Summers's finger started slowly pumping in and out of Kim's tight sissy pussy. Overwhelmed by the new sensation, Kim started whimpering weakly: "N--no... Aa--aaaaa, please st--top! Miss Summers n--," miss Summers cut her off with a swift slap on the ass as she continued to shave Kim's legs and finger her at the same time. After a minute or so, however, Kim began to loosen up and the pain subsided a bit.

"That's a good slut, Kim. Take mommy Summers's fingers." As she said this, miss Summers removed and spat on her finger before plunging back into Kim with both her middle and ring digits. Kim moaned at the further stretching but found that the longer miss Summers continued using her hole the more comfortable the sensation became. A few more minutes past as miss Summers moved on to shaving Kim's ass and then, slowly at first, she began making a come hither motion with her fingers as she quickened the pace of her pumping. At this, Kim's clitty started to stiffen between her legs again and a growing sensation of fullness began to develop in her tummy. Meanwhile, the desperate whimpering Kim had been unable to suppress slowly turned from cries of pain to cries of pleasure. Then, just as miss Summers was reaching a crescendo, she pulled her fingers out and gave Kim a playful slap on the ass.

"There you are slut. All smooth and warmed up for tryouts. What does sissy say?"

Kim was dazed and out of breath. All of a sudden she realized that her legs were shaking, but after recovering herself for a moment she replied: "Th-thank you Miss Summers... For helping me get ready for tryouts..."

Kim looked back towards miss Summers. At some point during her 'warmup' Kim had bent over at the waist and fully braced herself against the wall, though she couldn't have said when that had happened. Miss Summers stood over her now, one hand on Kim's hips and the other holding the razor. She was still grinning her same hungry grin and when their eyes met Kim felt compelled to look down and away.

"You did good slut, for a first time at least. Try not to moan so desperately during tryouts though. A sissy like you should be eager but remember that you're here to please, not be pleased. Now get back to the locker room faggot, before Tanya gets impatient."

And with that, miss Summers shut off the shower and turned, leaving Kim dripping against the wall, her ass pink and eager. It took Kim a few moments to compose herself before she left the showers for the locker room. When she exited, Tanya was on her phone waiting but miss Summers had already left.

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