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"I am sorry, who are you?"

I pulled away in shock. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, my hands trembled as I let her go. I took two staggering steps away from her, the shock evident on my face and in my eyes. My heart shattered into a million pieces yet again.

After Harry and Stephanie exchanged some words with Cooper, I went to meet her. I went to hug her but she asked me "I am sorry, who are you?" I didn't know if she was still angry with me or if she has really forgotten who I was.

My feelings were overwhelming, I could not bear to look at Cooper with that look on her face. A look that said that she didn't know who I was. A confused face, her eyes holding a questioning look and her brain going blank at the sight of me. I turned away, tears flowed down my cheek. I cried, my mate didn't remember me anymore.

Where was that tingling sensation? Why didn't I feel the little shocks when I tried to hug her? What happened? What happened to the mate bond? Are we still mates?

A sob left my mouth, I ran out of the den. I went to the kitchen, I sobbed, I wept. How could she not remember me? Why can't I feel the bond and the pull between us anymore?

A throat cleared, I wiped away the tears and tried to compose myself before turning around to look at the person trying to get my attention. It was the man who came with Cooper.

"Miss..." he trailed off.

"Bloomingdale" I supplied.

"Right, Miss Bloomingdale, I am Officer Mett. I would like to know if Lt. Jones' parents are home?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, they are no more. When they didn't hear any news about Cooper from the military, they lost all hopes, their depression won. They both passed away shortly after we were made aware that Cooper was missing" I replied.

"My condolences. Is there anyone else from her family that I can talk to? Maybe her mate?" he asked.

"Mate? How do you know about that?" I asked. From what I could gather from my senses, this man was a human, how did he know about werewolves?

"My mother worked as a pack doctor, I was born and brought up in a pack so I am aware of the werewolf community. Is there anyone else whom I can talk to?"

"Cooper's only family alive is her maternal grandparents who live a few hours away from here. I am the Co-alpha of this pack, you can tell me" I said.

Officer Mett hesitated but said, "Cooper was held by the enemy for 7 months, when we rescued her, she was barely alive. She was tortured, starved and beaten up relentlessly" a sob escaped my mouth. Tears were flowing freely at this point. I wiped them and waited for him to continue.

"They must have found out that she was a werewolf, they locked her up using silver chains and did weird experiments on her. They were trying to gain control of her mind so that they could use her as a weapon. Our Captain still does not know about the werewolf part. We do not know why it happened but she has amnesia now. She does not remember a lot of things like when and how she was captured or why she joined the army. She remembers some of her friends from the camp but not all of them. She does not remember the new captain even though they went on a mission together. Some parts are there while some are just gone. I believe she doesn't remember you or that you are the co-alpha of the pack. The doctor has advised us to not remind her of anything. We cannot put that kind of pressure and stress on her brain right now, the situation is very delicate so forcing her to remember anything might lead to premanent memory loss" said Officer Mett.

"We will keep that in mind, Officer" I said.

"The military is giving Lt. Jones an honorable discharge and thanks her for her services. As you can understand, we cannot have somebody with mental health issues in the army. We are very grateful for Lieutenant Jones' and her family's loyalty and patriotism to the country."

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