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"I said back the fuck off!"

"Hey, calm down", Cooper said, resting a hand on my back and the other one on my shoulder.

If you are wondering what was happening, let me give you a run down. After the terrible flashback Cooper went through, I tried to cheer her up. Then, we got showered and dressed for the evening ball. After having a gala time at the ball, and eating a superbly designed 14 course meal, we were drinking, socializing and hanging out together to our heart's content, that's when we heard someone start throwing homophobic remarks at us. I was beyond pissed at this pathetic excuse of an Alpha, his poor wife got stuck in this too. She looked embarrassed because of him.

"Break it up, you guys" Gunther Blanc announced, he was one of the council members. He was from an affluent family hailing from France.

"This woman is atrocious, look at the way she talks. How unladylike!" the alpha made a face, crinckling his nose.

"You are one to talk, weren't you greedily filling your plate like there's no tomorrow about half an hour ago? You talk with such ignorance and live in the past, unable to adapt to and accept others choices and wishes. Passing homophobic comments with the intention of mocking us or making us feel ashamed tells more about your ignorance, intolerance and foolishness. It does not make us regret our choices or be ashamed of ourselves but, it makes us even more proud to be who we are" I spat back.

A few cheers and whoops sounded, the Luna looked red with embarrassment and the Alpha was fuming with anger. Mr. Blanc tried very hard to suppress his smile and tried to end our verbal spat in an amicable manner. I gave him a grateful smile as Cooper led me away. We made our way back to the room.

Sighing, I plopped down on the couch, Cooper sat down beside me. I burst out laughing all of a sudden, Cooper looked at me confused but smiling.

"Oh my god, the look on his face was priceless." I kept laughing. Cooper joined me, too. We laughed for a few minutes at the expense of the alpha.

"You really are something else," Cooper commented out of the blue.

I had no response, I just looked at her. For the first time in more than seven years, I saw her laugh. She laughed genuinely. She seemed happy in the moment, and I wanted to cherish these moments forever. I caused her so much pain and tears that I would do anything to be able to repent myself and devote all of my time to make Cooper smile and laugh. She gave me a crooked smile before she got up.

"I am going to go change out of these clothes." She stopped midway and turned around to face me as she removed her tie.

She tilted her head slightly to the right, "You look glamorous tonight, so beautiful."

I blushed, "You look rather dashing, yourself", I mumbled, causing her to chuckle.

"You are too cute," she walked into the other room.

I changed out of my clothes too, I was wearing a black cocktail dress tonight that perfectly matched with Cooper's three piece black suit. I smiled, remembering how we coincidentally kept wearing matching clothes.

Cooper still hadn't come out, so I knocked on the door and called her name. "Be out in a minute," her voice came from the bathroom instead of the dressing.

Cooper emerged from the bathroom a minute later, a towel wrapped around her waist, and her upper body was just covered in her sports bra. A few bruises and scars covered her body. The gunshot wound on her chest was clearly visible.  Her body still had a faint hint of the six pack, she always sported. She had lost a considerable amount of weight but still looked super sexy. She used to have some bulk, but she looked lean now. She was barely dodging the thin category. If she didn't eat well now, she would be called as thin.

Her hair was wet, and a few droplets of water flowed from her hair onto her face. They proceeded to roll down to her chest before disappearing behind her bra. I could not take my eyes off of Cooper, I wanted to feel her body, I wanted to touch each and every inch of her.

"I am sorry, I decided to take a shower." Cooper brought me out of my dirty thought, I was in the process of cooking up a new fantasy.

I looked away from her body, "it's alright, I am just gonna go get rid of all the makeup." I rushed past her into the bathroom.

My breath was slightly heavy. The scenarios that ran through my mind made me crave Cooper's touch. I could feel my insides burning with desire, yearning to touch and be touched. I turned on the tap and splashed cold water on my face multiple times to calm myself down. Removing the makeup from my face, I walked out of the bathroom.

"Are you worrying about something?" Cooper asked as I sat down on the bed.

"No, why?"

"Well, your thoughts have gotten loud, so I was wondering," Cooper replied.

A small blush crept on my face, but thankfully, the room was not bright enough for her to notice it.

"It was nothing, I was just trying to remember all the work that is pending." I made up an excuse.

Cooper gave me a smirk that told me she didn't believe me. She slumped her body further into the comforter until she was lying down, and then she turned on her side to face me.

"You know, I can tell when you are lying. Your heat beat picks up, you get flushed, and you hesitate," she said, still smirking.

I got into the same position as her and faced her. "I was thinking about something else. I'd be too embarrassed to talk about it if you asked me what I was thinking about." I pleaded to her with my eyes to not ask.

"You are too cute when you get embarrassed. It's too hard to resist." she brought a hand up to my face, slowly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I was surprised at the action, I closed my eyes and relished it. Her finger lingered a moment longer before she pulled it back. I opened my eyes to meet her dark ones. I had never seen this playful and teasing side of Cooper before. Sure, she was fun to be with and jovial but she wasn't one to tease or make fun of me or play pranks but I guess, Cooper never really showed her true self because I rejected her before she even had a chance to introduce her real self to me. Guilt and sadness took over, I was filled with regret. Cooper's eyes softened as if sensing a change in my mood.

"Who hurt you?"she cupped one of my cheeks with her hand.

"Nobody. I was the one who hurt someone very badly, "I replied.

"Regret is half of redemption," Cooper whispered. She kissed my forehead for a mere second and pulled back. I was surprised, to say the least. This Cooper is so different yet so similar to the Cooper I knew. No wonder I was afraid to give her chance, I would have surely fallen in love with her, and my delusions about Drake would have flown out the window in an instant.

"I feel a pull towards you, I am not sure why. It doesn't feel like a mate bond. it's not that strong, but it is not something I can ignore either. Heather, if we didn't date or fuck each other then what did we do? Why do we have this strong connection?"

"We were friends, Cooper. I relied so much on you at one point of time. You were always there for me, through thick and thin. You put me back together after I got my heart broken, you helped me through a lot of things. We fought a war together, you saved my life, I owe you a lot of things. I owe you thanks, amends, friendship and my life. In the short amount of time we were together, we were strangers, friends, best friends and strangers again. None of it was your fault, though. You were always sweet, reliable, and trustworthy. I was a fool at the time, I was blinded by my own delusions to have seen the truth. I was afraid of a lot of things. I feel our connection, too, Cooper."

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