Chapter 2

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Everyone else saw this and pulled out there's as well, only for it to come up blank. Phil pulled out his compass, only for it to be spinning wildly. The members went quiet as they realized what was going on; everyone who could pulled out a shield and or a sword/ Axe. Bad pulled out his shield and axe, scaring Deku. Before slowly walking backward towards Dream, as a large crowd was already around him. They formed a large shield bearer around Dream, looking at him for guidance.

"Why aren't the maps working?" Tommy asked confused

"I don't know! I don't know," Dream panicked.

"It was probably that black hole that brought us here," Ranboo pointed out.

"Well, no shit, Ranboo," Quackity said, already annoyed

"Language," Bad said, "Anyways, I don't think they're gonna hurt us."

"What makes you say that?" Quackity asked

"That green hair boy name Deku brought Skeppy to me," Bad said; Skeppy jumped onto Bad's sleeve.

"Yeah, the teachers are okay. They wanted to use me as a bargaining chip, but this guy All Might wanted to return to Bad instead." Skeppy explained.

"I don't like the idea of them trying to use you as a bargaining chip," Techno said

"I didn't like it either, but they wanted our attention and thought giving me back was the most peaceful way."

"I rather them go peaceful over anything else," Philza said

"Agreed" Techo nodded

"Okay then, do we just let our shields down and talk to them," Ghostbur asked.

"No way that could leave us open for attacks," Sam said

"We can't just move altogether; it might seem hostile to them," Puffy explained

"How about sending our fastest person out to talk to them" Tubbo mumbled while being held by Ranboo.

"I like that idea," Niki said, "but who's the fastest? And best at speaking?"

"Sam, you're a fast runner and are great at explaining things," Foolish said

"Yeah, but the height of 7'4 and gas mask might scare them off," Sam rebutted, "How about Quackity?"

"No way Charlie got seriously messed up, and if anything goes wrong, I don't wanna leave him." Quackity countered, "How about Techno? You're always making those speeches."

"Well, sure, but are we doing RP persona or going as ourselves," Techno asked. Everyone turned to Dream.

"Best to go as our persona until we understand more," he said.

"Okay, then I can't do it. My character talks about war a bit too much," Techno explained.

"Isn't your character supposed to be off the whole violence thing or something?" Ranboo said

"Violence is the only language he knows," he said with a chuckle, "Why not Philza? He's like 200 years old and looks normal?"

"I hate the fact it's true for both my character and myself." Philza complained, "But I'll still do it."

"If we're going to be in character, we should end the huddle with an argument breaking us up," Sapnap said

"Yeah, Quackity and Tommy start arguing over. Whether Sam or Tubbo should be the greeters, then Philza, you swoop in and declare yourself the greeter." Wilbur said.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

"Okay, it's agreed; let's do this," Dream said, "3, 2, 1."

The Pro-hero's and students stared at the barrier of shields waiting for something to happen. "How long has it been?" Mic asked. "almost 2 minutes," Aizawa said, looking at his watch.

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