Chapter 11

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Tommy ran out onto the field excitedly. He threw on his armor and pulled out his axe; Ida, who was in his gym uniform, looked on nervous. "Sir, I don't think this is fair," Ida said nervously.

"Good point, No armor, Tommy!" Aizawa said.

"What?! Come on, you agreed!" Tommy said, annoyed.

"Okay, what does 'Free for all' mean to you guys?" Ida asked

Ghostbur jumped in happily, "Oh, I know this, I know this! It means you can fight with anything that, includes weapons, armor, and potions. Sometimes it also means you get to kill your opponent."

"Yeah, what Ghostbur said," Tommy said proudly.

"Potions?" Bakugo said, "What kind of fantasy world are you from?"

"Where we come from, things like that are normal in battle," Dream said.

"Okay, no potions or armor, and I'll only allow one weapon," Aizawa said. Tommy stomped his feet and huffed before walking off the field and putting a chest down. He then proceeded to put all his armor and potions into it. As he was doing that, he saw that he had a bed in his inventory. Tommy then proceeded to close the chest and place the bed down before touching it, setting a new spawn point. Before going back to decide what weapons to use.

The whole of class 1-A 'Did he just pull out a twin-sized bed?'

"Man, how deep are their pockets?" Kaminari asked

"Honestly, I'm starting to think they're not from this planet," Sato said

"HEY!" Mina shouted

"No offense," Sato said

"Ayo Tommy, what's with the bed?" Kirishima shouted

"Setting my spawn point," Tommy said back automatically. "Well, did it work," George asked.

"Of course it did, George. Now shut up; I'm trying to figure out what weapons I should use," Tommy said still without thinking. It then hit him. Tommy turned back to the bed and touched it again. In chat, it said, 'Spawnpoint set.' A giant smile grew on Tommy's face.

"Dream, Dream, Dream!" Tommy said excitedly, running up to him.

"What, Tommy?" Dream chuckled

"Give me your water bucket and trident," he demanded. Dream handed over his stuff, not knowing exactly what Tommy was planning. Tommy then ran back onto the field, bouncing around happily. "oh, you're gonna get it now, four eyes," he said.

"Tommy, is that what you plan on using?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes, now let's get those started!" he said.

"Okay, begin," Aizawa said. Ida ran at Tommy at full speed, but he dogged Ida's first attack before throwing down the water and launching himself in the air, so he could see the entire field. Everyone just looked in shock and confusion at what Tommy was planning.

"Um...he's really high up, don't you think we should call it" All Might said.

"Nope, as far as I know, none of my kids are in danger," Aizawa responded, keeping a close eye on the trident, 'What are you planning?"

Ida continued running around, trying to figure out what to do. 'I have to catch him; he'll be falling over 50 feet. Tommy will be seriously hurt,' Ida thought. Tommy looked down at Ida, ready to execute his plan. Everyone watched with bated breaths as Ida stopped and started running towards where Tommy was gonna land to save him. But Tommy threw the trident, stabbing Ida right through the shoulder, causing him to fall back. All Might then buffed up and ran to catch the boy, but it was too late Tommy missed the water by a few inches and hit the ground, his stuff exploding as he died.

All Might and the rest of the U.A. members starred in shock and sadness. Everyone in the SMP broke out in laughter, even Techno, who was trying to stay quiet. "How could he fucking miss!" Dream wheezed.

"Oh my god, Tommy must be screaming right now," Niki laughed.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Your friends just died!" Jiro screamed.

"He'll be back; give him a minute," Tubbo said, out of breath.

"My side hurt," Ranboo said, rolling on the ground.

" I can't believe the others missed this!" Quackity said.

'I know these guys aren't friends but do they seriously not care that someone just died?' All Might thought, 'Maybe they are villains.'

Suddenly Tommy reappeared on the bed, a look of anger on his face, "How did I fucking miss! I was right there," He shouted.

"HE'S ALIVE!" U.A. students screamed.

Tommy then proceeds to do the walk of shame, where he has to pick up all his stuff. All Might watched as he did his thing. "Tommy," All Might said seriously, a dark shadow covering his face. The Young boy turned to the blond man, "Yeah," Tommy responded.

"Don't you EVER do that AGAIN!" All Might said, holding back his anger.

"I wasn't trying to do it this time," Tommy said, "You think I was planning on dying, no! I was supposed to land in the water and look cool for all the ladies." All Might grabbed Tommy by the shirt and looked him in the eyes, "I'm not kidding; don't ever do that again!"

"Okay, Okay, I won't, I swear," Tommy said; all might put Tommy down before unbuffing and going back to standing next to Aizawa, who was calling for Recovery girl to come to get Ida.

(Recovery girl arrives)

"Ow!" Tommy screamed after being hit over the head.

"What is wrong with you!" Recovery girl said, hitting Tommy over the head, "You could've killed Ida if you missed."

"But I didn't," Tommy said under his breath; Recovery girl then hit him again. "What's your problem, you old hag!" He was hit across the face again.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you to respect your elders!" she ranted, "Now go so I can heal him." Tommy walked off back towards Dream and George.

"I can't believe either of you allowed him to do this," she said, scolding the two teachers.

"We didn't know that was what he was planning," All Might defended.

"Oh shut up, All Might," she said, annoyed, "and you to Shota, I don't wanna hear any excuses. Now I'm gonna heal Ida and stick around for the rest of the fight to make sure no one else gets hurt."

Neither of the men dared to disagree with the old lady.


A/N- I feel like I'm spoiling you guys with two chapters in less then 5 days

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