Chapter 18

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(A/N I'm so sorry I forgot to post yesterday!)

Team 2 followed the robot off to the location, chatting away in discord. "I  have a great idea!" Ghostbur said, chuckling. He then goes on to explain his plan, which causes the other to break down laughing. Soon they made it to the location and jumped out of discord, all with an understanding of what they were supposed to do. 

Koda, Ojiro, Ida, and Mia surrounded the button, trying not to make the same mistake the others did. The SMP members stood around, hiding behind giant metal pipes. Karl pulled out a stick and began banging it, which led to Niki shooting a firework into the air as if they were planning something huge. But when nothing happened, it left the students both tense and confused. 

"Don't let your guard down!" Ida stated. 

Quackity flew a snowball at Mina, fitting her in the face. "That was COLD!" she screamed angirly. Quackity had to cover his mouth to prevent himself from being too loud. 

"Please work, please work, please work," Karl begged as he ran out and built an iron golem before running back into the shadows. The golem started walking around, not doing anything.

(In the viewing box) 

"What is that?" All Might asked, confused about the situation.

"It's just an Iron golem. It's harmless unless provoked," Tubbo explained. 

'This is just another distraction?' Aizawa thought.

(Back on the field) 

Mina stepped forward and used her acid shot; this angered the iron golem causing it to run at them. She was able to do lots of damage to the golem but not before it picked her up and threw her into the air. Even while in the air, Mina finished the job of destroying the golem by spreading more acid onto it. "Is that the best they got?" she said confidently. 

"Don't underestimate them, Mina. They're clearly playing with us," Ojiro said. 

Then Mina started to sway back and forth, "Anyone else tired all of a sudden," she said before collapsing. When she fell, everyone could see the arrow that was lodged into her back. That's when everyone saw Quackity going back into the shadows, still holding the crossbow.    

"Quackity!" Karl said, upset.

"Don't worry; it's just a weakness-tipped arrow. She'll be fine in two minutes," Quackity explained before a message came over chat from Ghostbur, "I'm going in." 

Ghostubur walked out from the shadows and began walking toward the group. Ida ran at Ghostbur and attempted to punch him, but his hand went through the ghost. Ojiro then attempted to hit Ghostbur with his tail with the same result. The ghost boy made it to the button and hit it with a big smile. 


 Quackity, Niki, and Karl came running out, cheering and laughing. The students just looked on with dropped jaws and defeat in their eyes.  The SMP members were greeted with cheers and applause in the viewing room. 

Sapnap grabbed Karl and kissed him, overjoyed, "You did awesome, honey," he said, which shattered Quackity's heart. Puffy did the same, breaking Mineta's heart in the process. 

Mina was taken to the nurse's office to get the arrow removed. "WHY ARE YOU EXTRA SO USELESS!" Bakugo screamed angirly. 

"Relax, Bagubro; they sent a ghost out. No one was able to touch him," Kirishima said. This shut him up but didn't change how upset he was. Aizawa sighed, realizing what the pattern was gonna be for the new students. "Alright, team three, go," he said, already down with the situation. 

Puffy Eret and Sapnap followed their robot before jumping into a discord call. "It's awesome being able to talk without others hearing!" Sapnap said happily. 

"Okay, so how are we gonna one-up the others?" Eret said 

"Maybe we should actually fight and show off how strong we are!" 

"These are children. They're not as well trained as we are," Puffy said. 

"I gotta agree, but I know what we can do!" Eret said with a big grin. He then went on to explain his plan. Sapnap and Puffy found it hilarious, especially when thinking about how Bakugo would react. They arrive at the drop-off point and jump out of discord.

The students stood around the button, prepared for anything. A minute passed by with nothing happening when suddenly. 


Everyone was surprised. Was it a glitch? Did something hit the button to give a false win? Silence filled the arena and view box before three milk buckets appeared out of thin air. After drinking the milk, Puffy, Eret, and Sapnap looked at the group laughing their butts off. 

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Bakugo screamed from the view box. 

"How we didn't see you guys any near us?" Todoroki asked, confused. 

"We used potions of invisibility great when sneaking around," Puffy explained nicely. 

"Well, it was a good match," Uraraka said, shaking their hands. "Sorry for playing a little dirty. We didn't want to hurt you guys," Eret said. 

"Are you saying we're weak?" Mineta said. 

"No, but we are used to always fighting, so it wouldn't be fair to be pinned against a bunch of high school students," Puffy explained as everyone returned.   

When they arrived back, Aizawa looked beyond annoyed while All Might was confused, "Team four go," Aizawa said. 

"NOOO, don't let my husband near that monster," Tubbo cried, holding onto Ranboo's arm. Aizawa used his scarf and pulled Tubbo off his husband. "I already said I wasn't changing the teams," he said as Tubbo tried to break free. 

"Finally, I can show these extras how it actually done," Bakugo said excitedly. 

"Um....Kachan" Deku said 

"Don't get in my way, Nerd!" he said, pushing Deku out of his way.

Ranboo looked back at Tubbo, scared, as Dream walked to the door; he whistled and waved his hand for Ranboo to follow, which he did, keeping his head down as he walked. This left a bad taste in everyone's mouths, including the pro heroes. 

"Aizawa, you sure it was a good idea to put those two together?" All Might asked 

"Which ones?" 

"....Both I guess," 

"It's fine. It'll be over a few seconds," Aizawa said just not caring anymore.  

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