Chapter 7- Dreams & Reality

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--Dahlia POV--

Familiar and unfamiliar faces crowded around me as soon as I entered the room, people throwing compliments all over me as I put a smile onto my lips, doing my best to greet as many people as I could without flinching away. If it weren't for Isaac who was stood by my side the entire time, then I wouldn't have been able to do it.

"I loved your competition last week; I watched it on repeat. How do you jump so high on the ice? I swear, I thought you were about to sprout some wings and fly away," That was a new one.

"Practice, and some ballet on the side to help," I decided to say. 

Was this a fan meeting or a high-school reunion? 

And I swear, wasn't this woman the same woman that told me I'd become a no-name figure skater when we were still in school together? The way some people change is odd.

"Can I get an autograph? You looked beautiful in your last competition, that red dress was stunning," I laughed along with her as I signed her paper with the pen she gave, not mentioning the fact that the last time I wore a red dress at a competition was almost a year ago, so definitely not my latest competition.

This was uncomfortable.

It wasn't anything like a reunion, it was closer to a fan meet with people who weren't even my fans. None of these people were even interested in figure skating.

"I'll catch up with you later, I'm going to get a drink," I told the woman whose name I didn't even remember as I walked away, going to hold onto Isaac's arm as he reassuringly kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, we'll just give it a few more minutes and they'll calm down,"

"I know you're just saying that to calm me down, but I'm going to trust you anyway because I'll be running for the hills within a minute if I don't," He couldn't help by laugh at me as we approached the desserts table, and I looked over the arrangement of foods, wondering which one to go for.

 "You do that," He picked a macaron for himself as he inhaled it within a second.

"I'm sure I've asked you this before, but how do you manage to stay in shape if all you ever eat is sugary snacks?" I frowned, slightly jealous as I always found myself having to be on a diet.

"A high metabolism, and because I work out regularly. I have no secrets," I hummed, going to get myself a glass of punch as I took a single sip before choking on the foul beverage, and without an added thought, I dumped it into the bin.

"I forgot how bad the food is," I spoke with a numb tongue.

Maybe the punch had some sort of drug that made you hear things, because I feel like I've just heard an all too familiar voice calling my name.


But now that I think about it, there was no way it could be fake.

Slowly turning around in my entranced state, I felt my body freeze up when I saw him standing there, a shocked look of his own on his face as he stared right back at me.

"Marcos," I felt his name slip passed my lips without even knowing.

"It really is you," He snapped out of his reverie, stepping forward as he came to embrace me in his arms while I continued to stand rigidly, wondering what the hell was happening right now. I swear, he hated me. 

Apparently not though.

"How have you been?" He asked, standing back as he held me at arm's length.

"Um... Good," I managed to speak, still stumbling over my words.

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