Chapter 25- Rock Bottom

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--Marcos POV--

"Your tibia, the shin bone, was completely shattered, you also sustained a knee ligament injury, and the ligament was ruptured. Furthermore, you suffered cuts all over your body from the ice, and your temperature was at 40 degrees Celsius. We performed an emergency surgery, and it'll take an average of 6 months for you to recover; It'll take time to heal, but with rehabilitation, you should be up and walking in no time,"

The list of injuries just kept growing. The doctor spoke, trying to sound as hopeful as he could for her, but anyone could tell that this is something she won't be able to come back from.

Leaning against the wall outside the room, I listened into the conversation, but I didn't hear a single thing from Dahlia. It was only her dads' that were asking questions, and the doctor giving his answers.

"Is it completely hopeless?" Her voice cracked as she eventually spoke, and the sound of that broken voice caused my hands to clench, not knowing what to do in this situation.

"For me to go back to figure skating; Is it completely, undeniably impossible? Is there not a single percent of a chance that I could continue being an athlete?" She sounded so helpless, so hopeful, and I could only wonder on what to do to make her smile again.

"I'm sorry, figure skating is completely out of the question."

"...Oh." Her breath wavered.

"It's honestly a miracle that you were able to keep skating after those injuries, any normal person would have fallen over in pain... Your right leg is vulnerable now, it won't be the same again. Even after going through rehab, that leg will be fragile, and if it were to break again, I'm afraid rehab won't be enough to help save it,"

"I understand," She sighed.

Giving in, I turned to peep into the room, almost breaking down at the sight of her. How is it possible for someone to look so broken? She couldn't even bring herself to pick her head up as she leaned back against the pillow, looking down to where her legs were.

"I'd like to be left alone now, please," She whispered, hands gripping tightly onto the bed sheets, looking like she was working in holding back her tears.

"Alright, rest up. We'll come back later to have dinner together. Give us a call if you need anything, or just call for one of the nurses," Nico spoke, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder as he leaned down to kiss the top of her head, Oliver following the same action a moment later, but she still didn't say anything as all of them left the room.

"Will she be okay?" I asked, already knowing the answer as they shut the door behind them, standing around the corridor with me while peeping a few glances into the room.

"I'm quite worried... I think it would be best to call a therapist for her, and we'll start with rehab a few weeks from now. For now, she needs complete rest, but you can use the wheelchair if you want to take her out for some fresh air or something," The doctor spoke.

"How the hell did things end up like this?" Nico sadly sighed, running a hand through his hair as I blinked, turning to look away from Dahlia and to him.

"What do you mean by how? It's all that bitch's fault, why did you let her into Dahlia's life again? Why were you even paying her in the first place? If she was threatening you then you should have used some other way to shut her up and keep her away instead of risking her from seeing Dahlia again."

"...What are you talking about?" Oliver was the first to ask.

You're kidding me. These two... They had no idea about what Sophia Accardi did to Dahlia?

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