Chapter 22- The Beginning of the End

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--Dahlia POV--

"What was going through your head in that instance that you jumped the quadruple axel?"

"Believe it as you may, but truth be told; Nothing. If I am to describe it exactly as it was; My mind had never been clearer than it was in that short moment, and when I jumped, everything went white, I couldn't hear or see a thing."

"...Many people would consider that to be the zone; The state of supreme focus that helps athletes perform to their peak potential. Would you agree with that?"

"...Yes, now that you mention it, maybe that was what it was?"

"Miss Dahlia!? Now that you've reached heights in figure skating which were deemed impossible just moments before; What feats do you aim to reach in the future!?"

"I'll clean up the skills that I'm still rusty at, the quad axel itself is something I'll be practicing a lot to perfect. I aim to jump higher, and faster, and improve my balance on other jumps too,"

"Miss Dahlia!? What-"

I turned the tv off, realising that if it was going to remain turned on for any longer then I'd keep getting distracted. Victory isn't guaranteed yet, I still have to do the free skate before I can relax for good.

"You might be getting bored of hearing this by now, but congratulations, Dahlia. You really did amazing today, I couldn't take my eyes off you the whole time," My mother smiled, leaning forward over the table which separated us to hold my hand.

"I'm happy to hear that. I tried my absolute best to impress you today, and I'll impress you even more on the free skate, I can't wait for you to see," I grinned.

Daniel was currently outside having interviews to calm the reporters down, Marcos had to step out to take a phone call about work, and Isaac had to leave early for work, but he promised to watch the rest of the tournament on his television at work.

Now that just left me and my mother enjoying our lunch in the safe confines of this quiet room.

"Before then though, how are you doing?" I changed the topic.

"Me?" She echoed, I nodded.

"We've been talking too much about me, I'm starting to get embarrassed. How are you doing? I don't want to overstep your boundaries by asking, but I'm just curious, you said you were struggling back when we first met..."

"I'm fine, I don't know what else to say," She sighed.

"Mother... Are you alone?"

"What do you mean by that?" She raised a brow.

"When you're not hanging out with me, have you got anyone else you spend any time with? Or are you alone all the time?"

"No, I'm not alone," She laughed, waving me off. "I've got my partner. Even though he's on the problematic side, we've always been with each other, so I'll never abandon him,"

"My birth father?" She nodded her head.

"Is he the one you mentioned was in hospital? The abusive one?" I prodded, watching her hesitate for a moment before she nodded.

"He's changed now, he's not hurt me in years,"

"But yet, you're still with him?" I didn't want to judge, and I wasn't. But I wasn't going to say that I wasn't worried. Abusive relationships aren't anything to take lightly, and if that man is the whole reason on why she gave me up, then I can't bring myself to believe that he's changed so suddenly. I wonder if he even knew I existed?

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