Chapter 9- Easier Said than Done

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--Dahlia POV--

"You're what?" 

I almost laughed when I saw the shock that rested on his face, but I believe I did well to hide it as I went to link my arm around Isaac's, who, might I mention, made no attempt to hide his amusement at the current situation

"My brother. You're not the first to have mistaken us for something different,"

"She's not wrong, and I can't really blame anyone for getting mistaken," Isaac shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, having gotten used to it by now.

Isaac's there during most of my competitions, he's the one whose arms I run into as soon as I'm done with my routine, and that causes an array of questions from reporters asking me if we were dating, so it's nothing new.

"But you never once mentioned that you had a brother in all the years that we were friends," Marcos said while trying to remember a non-existent moment.

"That's because I only found out he was my brother long after you left Italy to go study in London. Isaac had known all along, but he didn't say anything to me until he had it confirmed,"


"Yes, biologically, I'm an only child. But it turns out that Isaac and I were in the same orphanage, I got adopted first, so we never really got the chance to become close, but still, we're siblings," A look of realisation fell across Marcos's face as he nodded along.

But with the confirmation that I had not yet found my true love as he had previously suspected, a newfound emotion swept across his face as his eyes glittered with mischief.

"So... You're single?"

I hiccupped, not having expected that question, quickly covering my mouth in embarrassment while narrowing my eyes into a glare when I saw his lips crawl up into a smirk.

"Yes, for the record, I am," I truthfully said.


"But that doesn't mean I'm looking to date anyone," 

And his face quickly fell.

I wasn't about to let a single, thoughtless kiss give me enough hope to move forward with a man that I never dared to call mine. I doubt Marcos was properly interested in me, he was simply curious about the woman I had grown to become, and I wasn't ready to give myself hope only to have it crumble away when he realised that I was nothing more than a friend to him.

Thinking about me; I will not allow myself to become that vulnerable again.

"And I don't think that's going to change anytime soon, so... Goodbye, Marcos." And following Isaac, I turned to walk away, hoping that was the last of it. It was nice seeing him again, but I don't think I'll be able to handle any more heartbreak with him.

"Hey, wait a minute," He jumped forward, grabbing hold of my wrist to prevent me from walking away, which caused Isaac to mirror his actions as he too stepped forward, but with one quick shake of my head, he paused.

"You go home first, I'll catch up with you later,"

"What? No way-"

"You know Marcos, partially. And you know me, I'll be fine, so just trust me," He stared at me for the longest time with knitted brows, clearly being reluctant to leave, but as I continued to stare at him, he eventually gave in with the longest, deepest sigh.

"Okay, but call me whenever you can. The earlier the better," I nodded along as he patted my head before going to walk away, giving me one last look before he did. Honestly, it was as if I was going off to war.

The Indifference of a Man Forgotten (BOOK I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant