Chapter 26- Tears to Shed

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--Dahlia POV--

What am I supposed to do? To get rid of this suffocating feeling in my chest, what should I do? What am I supposed to do with all this sadness, anger, and frustration that I'm drowning in, it's not something I can imagine going away with time.

All I can do is sit on this hospital bed and look at my leg that gave up on me while being tended to by nurses, and being told that no matter how hard I try, figure skating is something that will never come back to me; I've lost it.

"Here, open your mouth," Isaac said with an outstretched hand, an apple slice in his hand.

"I don't want it," I mumbled, turning my head away.

"What are you, a child? You need to eat to survive,"

"I don't want to survive. I'll just starve to death, it's not like this world likes me anyway, I'll just leave it like it wants me to," I grumbled, still refusing to look at him.

"Oh yeah? If you want to die then how about you go do it somewhere other than the hospital? I don't think they'll let you die of starvation here, you silly girl." The glare automatically appeared on my face as I turned my head back to look at him, but as if expecting it, he shoved the apple slice into my unsuspecting mouth.

"You have to recover, and get discharged. And after that, you can do whatever you want,"

"Is this how you're supposed to treat a patient?" I sighed, taking another slice myself this time before he could succeed in shoving it into my mouth again.

"I don't know. Thankfully, you're the only patient that I've ever had to visit." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"I hate this world, Isaac,"

"Yeah? Then, me too," I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him, but I didn't say anything as a few more comfortable minutes of silence passed by, nothing but the faint sound of him slicing through the apples he bought for me was heard, and while he did that, my hand rested on my thigh as I prayed for my leg to hurry up and heal.

It wasn't numb like it was a few days ago, I could tell that it was getting better, I could feel it, and was starting by wiggling my toes, but it still wasn't enough to have me walking around, that would clearly take some more time.

When he handed me another apple slice, I refused to take it, picking my head up and turning to look at the fruit before raising my eyes to stare at his confused face.

"I'm bored of apples."

A scoff of a laugh brushed passed his lips, and I watched as he threw the apple into his mouth before standing up and going over to the sink to wash his hands.

"Let's go down to the cafe then, you can pick out your own snacks," I listened to him speak while he moved to go and get the wheelchair that the hospital provided, pausing it beside my bed as I glared at the contraption. I've gone from gliding and jumping on ice to sitting on a wheelchair.

"I hate it."

"I know, but do you want those snacks or what?" Placing a hand on his waist like a mother, he smiled at me, no sign of malice or amusement, he just smiled at me, waiting. And I'm glad that he was the one that was here. Instead of having a hundred fake friends, one good person like Isaac is enough for me.

"I want the snacks," Rolling my eyes, I pushed the blankets off of me, turning my body to leave the bed, flinging my legs over the side as he stepped over to help hoist me up before gently helping me onto the wheelchair.

"My hat," I pointed as he handed me my sunhat, securing it onto my head. I refused to leave this room without wearing a hat or mask that covered as much of my face as possible after the first time where I was hit with curious looks and whispers from strangers.

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