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Marika sat by the water, enjoying the evening breeze when her brother walked up and said, "Chiron wants to see us at the Big House. He sounded pretty serious."

Marika stood and followed him to the Big House. "Any idea what it's about?"

"No, but Mr. D was there too, so it must be important."

The two arrived and sat in front of Seymour as Chiron tossed him a piece of meat.

"What is it, Chiron?" Dimitri asked.

Chiron motioned them to come into his office and closed the door before saying, "There's a town in California with strange occurrences happening."

"Where in California?" Marika questioned. "What's happening?"

"Beacon Hills, California. It's a town with supernatural activity."

"Supernatural activity?" Dmitri repeated. "Like what? Demigods like us?"

"No," Mr. D replied. "Creatures who feed on human flesh."

Chiron shot him a look before saying, "Werewolves."

Marika sighed. "Okay, great. Werewolves. Why not. I mean, everything else under the sun exists. So what about school, a place to live, and how about telling us who these werewolves are."

Chiron smiled briefly. "I've arranged for you both to stay with someone and you'll be attending the local high school. You will have mortal cash and golden drachmas so you can contact camp. Your scents will be masked so your covers won't be blown."

Dmitri nodded. "When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible."

Marika nodded and the two left the Big House, making made their way back to Cabin Three to pack.

Their ride soon arrived, and they climbed into Apollo's chariot and were soon in the small town of Beacon Hills, California.

Apollo looked between them. "Apollo is off. This town has its dark secrets. Best of luck, children." His tone turned serious. "Be careful in this town. You have no idea what secrets await you."

He flew off and Marika and Dmitri exchanged a look.

A police car whizzed past with its sirens blaring and the siblings followed with equally curious expressions.

Marika glanced at her brother. "This isn't what I thought we'd be getting into."

Dmitri shrugged. "It's just like a quest. We don't always know what we're getting into right away. Got another car coming."

The two watched as a blue Jeep pulled up and two boys got out.

Marika and Dmitri faced each other and shrugged before following the boys.

Things were about to get much more interesting, and not one knew what they were in for.

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