Phantom Troup: When they realized they liked you!

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Similar to Hisoka!

It was unexpected, but overall a welcomed experience.

It was a self reflection moment, but unlike Hisoka he was accepting of the fact that he wasn't satisfied with you just being a business partner or a rival.

So in other words, chrollo didn't need to have a crisis to realize that his feelings were genuine.

You rejected his offer for a date in exchange for someone else, and he didn't like that.

Machi pointed out the obvious jealousy, and he just took it as a sign that he was right about having genuine feelings for you.

A conversation with phinks!

(Really a one sided rant about you.)

"I..hate them....they are...annoying...stupid..."

"You know...if you hate them so much then you'd just use your nen against them, or you know...actually kill them?"


"I mean you've killed people for less. You talk about them all the time, heavy on how strong they are."


"You keep going to see them even though they keep kicking your ass."


"And honestly? It seems like you've got the hots for them rather than hating them."

It was silent for a minute, a whole minute.

Then suddenly Feitan threw away all the troupes rules and jumped on phinks to hit him.

He was suspended from solo missions for a while because of this.


It was when you defended him about his eyebrows (jk jk)

He likes fighters, but he already had some feelings of favortisim towards you before he got to see you fight.

Phinks did figure that you were strong, considering you found their leader and won.

Still, he's never actually seen it for himself.

Seeing you fight however was what got him to admit it out loud that he had a "problem" with you.

Since most of the time kanik was fighting for you, it was hard to show just why you were offered to stay.

One fight, kanik had to be put to the side because of who you were fighting, phinks was out of commission via your request, and even though he doubted you at first.

You ended up winning the fight a little too easy.

He was into that.

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