Phantom Troup!: How they asked you to date them

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Chrollo_____He came back again, purposefully caused trouble, got caught, and got the crap beat out of him so he'd be sent to your office to talk to you

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He came back again, purposefully caused trouble, got caught, and got the crap beat out of him so he'd be sent to your office to talk to you. He was thrown to the floor by your right-hand man, who was breathing through his nose, practically foaming at the chance to stab him.

"You know something, you've become quite the bother for my men out there."

Turning around and leaning down to get closer to his face again. This was the third time this month, and it's starting to get annoying seeing his face, especially when all he does is mess up your trades.

Every time he would come back, you would turn him down, trying to be somewhat merciful, but naturally, that wouldn't work for him, considering he was sitting in your office on his knees with a bruised lip.

"Well, I have a proposal.."

"It'd better be worth it. Speak."

"How would you like to partner in crime?"

my partner in crime?"____

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He found you again and just stared at you.

"What? Gonna try and kill me again? Cause I'm ready." You say, your nonchalant expression never leaving your face as you hold up a scalpel ready to defend yourself from this thing.

"Tch. Bitch." He mumbles under his breath as he turns and cuts his eyes at you in a glare.



"Ah, okay, just stop getting in my way."


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