Phantom troup: What its like dating/being married to them!

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-Romantic dates are a must.

-Considering that your company has an appearance to keep up, Chrollo fits really well with your standards.

-Nice face, Great manners, nice butt. All of the things that are important for a man to have if he wishes to walk beside you, not behind you.

-Constantly playing into his little fortune-telling habits.

-Kicking him out the bed because of those fortune-telling habits.

-Still questions if he likes you or not

-you get organs as gifts.

-He gets free food as gifts.

-Very simple.

-You've managed to find equal footing when it came to killing.

-No need to split money when their organs are more valuable than the person.


-You have to defend his lack of eyebrows a lot.

-And his...hat...

-you begged him to take it off once

-Somehow you guys manage to go on a lot of dates. Time often works in your favor.

-Often Museum dates, that don't always end up with something getting stolen!

-He thinks your "family" is strange.

-He still thinks you were kidnapped.

-Museum dates are his favorite but he tries to do different things he thinks you'd like too.

-Think Morticia and Gomez.

-He adores the ground you walk on. He's your number one supporter, even if you dropped a building on a grocery store, hed be preaching your innocence until he was blue in the face.

-This man is in love with you

-Every time he gets the chance to go on a mission with you he takes it.

-You make yourself available to public missions because you know this man will throw hands to get to that spot and he isn't even a fighter.

-Night dates are a must.

-The rare dates in the daytime, he brings an umbrella for you in case the sun gets too hot. Your skin is sensitive, not to mention it helps to have date nights considering you're literally a maneater.

-You hold onto a spare version of his tech just in case of emergencies while he's over.

-He goes to your shop to observe the new artwork.

-He just likes watching you tattoo people.

-You both go on plenty of dates, because you move around with the troup a lot.

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