Chimera Ants: How they asked you to date them!

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(Somewhat - short)

(Somewhat - short)

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They. Read. The. Books.

So when they asked you on the tenth date they made it seem like they were about to propose.

The flowers, then the movie, and then turns out they bought you an outfit to wear to a fancy restaurant.

It definitely felt like they would propose, so at the end of the date when they asked if you had fun you were sweating.

After you said yes they popped out a promise ring, and asked you if you'd date them.

It was really sweet but it made you question just what they'd do if it was a marriage proposal.


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______After you recovered from your injuries, you weren't fond of  him for a bit

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After you recovered from your injuries, you weren't fond of  him for a bit. It took a while but after he apologized every day. He was determined to make you forgive him, getting on his knees, explaining over and over again hoe dorry he was for treating you that way, he couldn't tell what was worse, you not remembering him, or you remembering everything he did and said.

You almost left out the house again. Instead of watching you leave this time he went ahead and told you how much he realized you meant to him. He clung to your leg, tears and snot running down his face asyou desperately tried to drag your body out that door.

It took a while to forgive him but eventually, you did and gave him another chance.

Youpi <333

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Youpi <333

____Technically you guys were dating, at least  in Pitou's eyes before Youpi gained some sense, but we already know he wasn't the brightest back then

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Technically you guys were dating, at least  in Pitou's eyes before Youpi gained some sense, but we already know he wasn't the brightest back then.

Even now he struggles a little with learning things, but he was willing to do it for the sake of getting you to date him.

He asked for Pitous help and was given a bunch of books. Unfortunately, Youpi had to ask for your help when it came to reading so that spoiled any surprise there.

As you helped him, he realized it was better if he just grabbed flowers and told you to date him rather than asking.

"Date me."

"Sure, now Youpi please put those back into the neighbor's garden."


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He explained that he was your boyfriend a while ago. When the Chimera ants first struck and started killing humans.

You were horrified, and it was hard to hear him between the many pots and pans hitting the floor because he kept dodging.

Eventually, you got tired of throwing things and finished hearing him out.

He wanted to start over in his new form, and you still felt weird about him killing people.

"Just stick to eating human food."


"Either you agree or I'm breaking up with you."


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