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Author Note:-
Hello dear readers...
There something I want to say and I hope you would read this note real quick. I'm removing both Mido Rana and Mujo Kina from being love interests since I couldn't find a proper way to put them in the story and there's a lot of characters to do a separated endings to them. I hope you would understand my decision.

The picture above ☝️ is created by Mtt-Sxh

Until we meet next time!


Chapter 12
Stronger Than What She Seems

❝So kawaii!!❞

FOR A FEW DAYS, YOU HAVE been receiving those love letters from an anonymous. They still didn't reveal themselves to you, but the last letter said that they were going to confess to you on Friday under the cherry blossom tree behind the school which you considered a cute a romantic gesture.

However and during these days, Ayato was trying desperately to make Info Kun give him the dark secret of the guy who has a crush on you. Info Kun refused to give him the information until he collects 50 panty shots and three secret of the bullies for blackmailing. All of that because Info Kun is interested in you and he can blackmail that guy without using Ayato. This will give him a chance to approach you properly and without anyone suspecting him, simple as that. However, that's a story for another time.

Right now, you were walking through the hallways, bored out of your mind. You have nothing else to do since it was free time at the moment. However and as you walked, you noticed a teacher struggling with four boxes near the facility room. You rushed to her side to offer help, at least something you can do to waste time, "Excuse me teacher, would you like me to help?" You politely asked, making the female teacher to look at you.

"Thank you, but I really can't tire you. These are really heavy."

"It's alright, I can help you."

You insisted and approached the four boxes stacked on each other, picking them up with ease. They weren't that big, but they surely seemed to have a lot of stuff in them. You looked at the teacher, "Where do you want me to take them?" You asked the teacher who was in utmost shock. She pointed a shaky finger at the door ahead of you, "T-To the dumpster n-near the incinerator, p-please." She instructed and you nodded, walking to the said direction as if you weren't holding very heavy boxes.

Throughout your way, students were so surprised when they saw you walking with them like they weight nothing. They haven't seen a girl as strong as you before. Once you reached the incinerator, you noticed the blond boy standing in front of the entrance, "Um, excuse me, can you move aside please?" You politely asked, hoping he would just move away without any troubles.

Osoro Shidesu as you come to know him growled and squinted his eyes at you, "Didn't I tell you before not to come to my territory." His words came as statement rather than a question. You sweatdropped and forced a smile on your face, "I promise not to return after I place these in there." You replied, hoping he wouldn't cause problems to you. However, he still glared at you and appeared not to move anytime soon, "Not happening, Barbie Girl. Now scram before I do something you'll regret." He warned, making his fellow delinquents to laugh.

Maybe you can challenge him... You placed the boxes down and stood straight with a look of determination, "How about a challenge in a hand wrestle?" You suggested as everyone looked at you with underestimating glances. You used to do this with your old friends, especially Rengoku and you were conformed as the sixth strongest in the game.

"You think you can beat me?"

"It won't harm to try. If I win, you let in and I can come here whenever I want. If you win, I will just leave and never return."

Osoro seemed to think of what you offered and he couldn't just refuse a challenge, not in front of his followers. He smirked smugly, "Bring it on, girlie." One of the delinquent brought an unused desk table from the dumpster and placed it in between you and Osoro. You put your elbow first, letting your hand open for him to grab while still smiling excitingly. It has been a while since you have done this.

The blond guy did the same and grabbed your hand. One of the delinquent checked on your hands before giving the signal to start.


And once you heard it, your smile turned into an angry look as your grip tightened around his hands, veins popping in your arm and face. Osoro didn't want to let your look faze him, but it was difficult not to see a very dangerous competitor within you. His hand was little by little moving down, slowly leading him to lose this challenge.

"Damn! She is so strong!"

"I can't believe the boss is losing!"

"Are you kidding me? Just look at her arm muscles!"

The delinquent gave their opinions while watching the intense match. Eventually, Osoro couldn't stand a chance against you and lost the match.

Fair and square.

At first, Osoro was surprised when he saw this, but then sighed and backed away, "Well, you have won. You're not a weakling as I assumed, girlie." He stated, moving away to let you in. You smiled happily and ran to him, giving him a hug and taking Osoro off guard, "Thank you!"

"Hey, let go of me this instant!"

You pulled away and took the boxes, placing them in the dumpster before returning to the school quickly with one thought in your mind, "He thinks I'm strong! He is strong too, so very manly!"

With Osoro, the boy was left with a bit of shock, still not believing that he actually lost to a girl. The same girl who just hugged him. The corners of his lips moved up, forming a very small smile, "She is a tough cookie after all, huh?" He thought, but was interrupted by Umeji who nudged Osoro by his elbow, "Does the boss has a crush?" He smugly said, wiggling his eyebrows. However, this earned him a glare from Osoro, "Don't get ahead of yourself, she was just lucky I wasn't in the mood." He lied, trying not to let his followers think he was weak.

"Did you let her win on purpose to see her here more often?"

Osoro hit him on his head, "You have death wish, Umeji?"

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀~𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉 ➣⎿Yᵃᶰᵈᵉʳᵉ Sᶤᵐᵘˡᵃᵗᵒʳ ˣ Kᶰʸ⏋Where stories live. Discover now