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Chapter Nineteen
A Surprise from the Old Times

❝I love this!❞

AFTER A WEEK OF STUDY, you finally did the exam you were afraid of. It was the day you receive the payment of your hard work and effort.

You were mentally praying to god that you at least got a good mark that would satisfy you. Your teacher who's still Mido was giving the papers to the others, but your turn still didn't come yet which made you more nervous than you're right now. It felt like he was going very slowly as your heartbeats increased with every passing minute.

Hanako noticed your anxiety and looked at you with concern, he knew you were very nervous to take this exam because you felt slightly self-conscious about passing it. Thus, he decided to cheer you up for a bit, "Psst! Y/N!" He whispered/yelled to get your attention. You perked up when you heard your name and turned to your friend only to see him smile at you. He passed you a small note for you to read...

You did great!
Don't be gloomy and smile :)

You found yourself smiling when you read the small and cute note, it was an adorable gesture of him. Turning to Hanako, you mouthed a 'thank you' with a small smile which made him smile in return and give you a thumb up. Finally and after what felt like forever, Mido finally placed your paper on your desk, "I must say I'm impressed. Good job, Y/N." He said with a seductive smile, giving you a head pat as a reward. Your eyes glanced down at the paper and suddenly all of the nervousness and anxiety left your body.

You got a full mark!

You so badly wanted to scream loudly in happiness, your study wasn't fruitless after all, "I did it!! I got a full mark!" You exclaimed in your head, stuffing your face in the exam paper. Finally, the class ended and it was now a free period, you were excited to tell Megamo to let him know that his efforts didn't go waste.

"I told you you did great. I'm happy for you."

Hanako spoke to you once the class ended. You giggled and nodded your head, "I thought I messed it up, but it seems I was mistaken. It's all thanks to Megamo that I got this mark." You confessed as a little blush decorated your cheeks. Hanako's gray eyes widened when he knew that the student council president himself helped you study for the exam, but that wasn't the problem. Why would the Megamo Saikou help you of all people? If Megamo helped you in his own will, then this means...

Another rival!

The male forced a smile on his lips, "Oh, it's really nice of him to help you study." He stated while scratching the back of his head. You hummed in agreement as you placed the last item in your bag, "Yeah, I must now go and look for him. The least I can do is to thank him in person and probably buy him a gift." You declared and that made Hanako a little upset. Eventually, both of you had to part ways because you have to look for Megamo.

You looked everywhere for him around the school, but you couldn't find him anywhere. Just then, someone placed their hand on your shoulder which startled you. Turning your head around, you saw Nemesis standing there with a monotonous look, "O-Oh, Ray! You scared me for a moment." You told him with a nervous smile.

"Sorry..." He mumbled and then handed you a bag of pink marshmallows, "I heard you got a full mark on your exam, well done." He said with an emotionless voice. You took the bag and blushed a deep red color, "Thank you... You shouldn't have bothered yourself and buy it." You said, not making eye contact with him. Nemesis didn't add anything and just left you there, standing like a dumbfounded girl.

"He is acting weird sometimes."


You walked back home with disappointment all over your face. Unfortunately, you couldn't find Megamo anywhere at school. You really wanted to thank him for the great help in your study. Even Ayato didn't go home with you because he had extra work to do.

Eventually, you made it home in no time. You opened the door and walked in, removing your shoes in process, "I'm home." You called to your parents, letting them know that you were back.

"Ara ara, why's the sad face?"

You lifted your head up only to see your bestfriend, Shinobu. Without wasting any time, you ran to her and hugged her tightly, "Shinobu! I'm so happy to see you!" You exclaimed and pulled away from the hug. She gave you an eye-closed smile, "Long time no see, Y/N. We missed you." Shinobu spoke up, opening her beautiful purple eyes. You tilted your head in confusion, "We?" You questioned before realization hit you.

You ran into the livingroom and there you saw your father chatting with Kyojuro and Iguro. Your eyes sparkled as your father pointed at you and your two males friends looked back at you, "Ah, it took you long to arrive, little sister!" Kyojuro exclaimed in his usual loud voice, standing up to offer you a hug. You ran to him and hugged him, "You came too, big brother!" You happily said then pulled away. You then looked at Iguro and blushed, he is still your crush after all.

You approached him and gave him a hug as well, "I'm happy to see you too, Obanai san." You said, still blushing madly. After you two pulled from the hug, he petted your head, "Me too, Y/N. You haven't changed since last time I saw you." He said while averting his gaze away from you, he was thankful for the mask covering half of his face. Otherwise, you would see him blushing too. Shinobu placed her hands on your shoulders from behind, "Let's not waste time, we have a lot to talk about and catch up." She said with her happy and soft smile.

You smiled back a gave a single nod, "Yup! I'm glad to finally see you again guys."

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