Epilogue but make it Prologue heh

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I don't know how I found myself barefoot in a dark classroom sifting through my English teacher's desk, but I do know that I can't fail tomorrow's test.

Especially in this class. I swear Mr. Halloway hates me. Everyone gushes over him but he's an ass.

No jaw line is sharp enough to fail me and get away with it.

I check my phone for the time. 4:17.

Shit, I'm behind schedule.

My fingers desperately shuffle the pages on his desk and drawers for the 4th time, still coming short of my goal.

I huff, slouching in his desk chair.

Somewhere in this room that answer key is calling to me.

Just as I'm about to give up and accept defeat, my eyes find another drawer, this one right below the top surface of his desk. I all but face palm as I open it and find the answer key lying directly on top of file folders. Hidden in plain sight.

Maybe I don't deserve the damn thing if I'm too dumb to even find it.

As soon as I pull it out, the door knob makes a clicking sound.

That in itself is enough to take my soul to hell and back.

Mr. Halloway enters the room and flicks the lights on, revealing my terrified deer-caught-in-headlights frame. I'm frozen in a mixture of fear and, as much as I don't want to feel it—let alone acknowledge it, attraction.

If my brain worked as hard as my hormones did, I wouldn't be in this situation. Either way, I still don't seem to have control over my body...externally or internally.

The hem of a black dress shirt is untucked with the sleeves rolled up. His hair is ruffled and I reconsider my earlier statement; that jawline is enough to get away with failing me.

My god, he could fail me all he wanted if he rolled those sleeves up just a little bit more.

I dismiss my horny teenage thoughts and try to stomp out the fire in my soul from its previous trip to hell.

His surprised expression turns to one of slight confusion, then understanding once he sees the pages in my hand.

"Miss Amberly. Quite a surprise to see you here so late." He steps forward slowly, "May I ask what you're doing?"

Glancing down between the paper in my hand and his expectant expression, all thoughts escape my mind.

"I know what it looks like but I'm totally not stealing this answer key." I say, still not able to move, but mustering a sheepish smile.

"Really? Then what would you happen to be doing with it right now?" He cocks an eyebrow and crosses his arms.

I bite the inside of my cheek and force my eyes to keep in contact with his own.

"Well, I was just gonna snap a picture of it. I'm not stupid enough to steal it." My voice is laced with attitude, a sad attempt hide the shakiness.

I can't ace a test right after an answer key goes missing, anyhow. That's just asking to get caught.

"Oh, in that case," He begins approaching me slowly, step by step, "You're still going to face consequences. You did not have my permission to enter this classroom let alone search my desk."

Something in his voice is scolding, but for some reason I can't take it seriously. Though he's perfectly professional in his wording, his tone isn't as threatening as it should be.

"Obviously, that's why I snuck in." I snort, but lose all previous attitude with his last step. Now he's looming over me. His form looks even more daunting from my sitting position.

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