Chapter Six

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The first thing my eyes meet is a finger mere centemeters away from my forehead. The second is David's crusty face looming right over mine.

"Good god, we thought you were dead." David releases a relieved sigh and relocates his hand from my face to his chest.

"I might as well be." With a groan, I ignore how crackly my voice sounds before struggling into a sitting position.

"Your breath smells rachet, jesus christ." Drea comments, leaning back to create some sort of distance between our faces. She looks like she was also woken by David's poking.

"Yea it tastes rachet. I'm sure yours is the same." I glare at her, knowing all of us missed out on brushing our teeth. I can feel the grime from both the pizza and rum layered across my not so current pearly whites.

She discreetly puts her hand in front her her mouth to get a whiff, and sure enough, her face goes grim.

"Okay, how have neither of you so much as mentioned the elephant in the room?" David asks, catching our attention with his wide doe eyes.

I don't know about him, but I've only been conscious for about 5 seconds. I haven't even had time to process any sort of animal, let alone talk about it.

"What elephant in the room? You?" Drea says snarkily.

"You think you're doing something. I'm 90 pounds, bitch. Nice try, though." David shoots back, to which Drea rolls her eyes.

"Jesus, I think the elephant in the room is how much my head hurts if you guys don't shut the fuck up." I put a palm to my forehead, feeling an intense amount of pressure in my temples.

"Pussy. I feel fine." David shrugs, scanning his short nails.

The only reply I give him is my middle finger before I stand up, "Gots to tinkle."

I make sure to grab my phone before I exit, giving them a pointed look.

"Your trust in us is shameful." Drea shakes her head, knowing fully well that she's the type to totally sneak into my phone out of nosiness.

"Mhm." I hum doubtfully and rush out before she can negate my doubtful tone.

Coming into view of the mirror, I realize just how rough I look. My hairs a rats nest and my face looks like I'm a deathly sick victorian child, complete with the eye bags and painfully pale face.

But my eyes are a darker brown than usual and my pupils are dilated. I lean closer to the mirror to study myself. My rounded cheeks are a bit swollen this morning, as well as the skin around my eyes. I need to pluck a unibrow coming in. Not the most attractive. My lips are also swollen and a bit dry, looking more of a sickly pale pink. My freckles are as prominent as ever, sprinkling the bridge of my nose and the tops of my cheeks.

I rub smudged mascara from below my eyes and push my torso from the countertop and finish my business.

Upon my return, both heads shoot up in attention and expectation.

"You vultures." I speak, clutching my phone to my chest and slowly walking along the wall.

"Just let us see." David whines, giving me his best pouty lip.

"Okay, okay." I sigh, unlocking my phone and handing it over.

"You weak bitch." Drea's eyes are quick to narrow toward me. "You texted him last night?"

"Yes, okay, I couldn't help myself." I throw my hands up in mock frustration and sit down on the bed. "But to be fair, you guys went to sleep and left me to my own vices."

"Don't pin this on us." Drea defends.

"Are you really going to have dinner with him tonight?" David asks dramatically, leaning in as if he's telling me a secret.

I dismiss him and his dramatics, "Yea, don't give me grief, I'm figuring this out."

"He said he'd pick you up," Drea props an eyebrow up, referring to his last text to me. "Is mother dearest okay with that?"

"I'll come up with something," My voice is laced with doubt, "Maybe I can tell her it's one of you guys in your parents' car." I suggest hopefully.

David perks up at my thought.

"Oh, you didn't hear?" His smile is mischievous, "My car shit out so I'm driving my mom's until I get it fixed."

Sometimes I wonder why I love David so much...then I remember that he saves my ass more than I give him credit for.

"Oh, that's so unfortunate. How sweet of your mom to lend you her car in such difficult times." I say, feigning honest ignorance.

He gestures his hand in a small, dissmissive wave.

"It's not her first rodeo." The corner of his lip adjusts to form a smirk. I only shake my head.

"Well, I sure hope you guys don't go out publicly. Make sure no one recognizes you two." Drea remarks, almost sarcastically but I can sense the concern in her voice.

"I'm sure he'll take me to his place, right?" Sounding unsure, I deflate a bit.

"Yea, let him introduce you to his wife and kids while he's at it." David points out, his voice sporting sarcasm with zero concern.

"I don't know, he's smart, I'll let him figure it out." I really am not too worried about it, I'm sure he has something planned. "Now what should I say?"

Drea reads the message again, concentrated and determined. David does the same.

They look at me, then eachother, back to me, then shrug.

I shake my head and look back down at my phone,

"I'll pick you up at 5:00pm tomorrow evening."
-Mr. Halloway

He sent this right after I fell asleep.

It occurs to me that he doesn't have my address. I guess that's something he may need.

My address is the only thing I send as a reply. I click the phone back off after letting Drea and David snoop in on my response.

"Well, I guess we should get ready for lunch, I'm hungry." I stand from the bed and walk toward my closet to get ready.

They both dig through their overnight bags and we split up into the closet, room, and bathroom to get ready before heading out for lunch.

I hope it's not so bad that I'm looking forward to dinner with Mr. Halloway tonight. Part of me hopes he'll  have a good excuse but I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll be disappointed in whatever he has to say.

I shrug off the thought and allow myself to enjoy my day before it goes to hell.

Because it will, I can already sense it.

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