Chapter Four

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I can't help the smile that touches my lips. My naked frame stands in front of the bathroom mirror, sporting hickeys ranging from my thighs to my breasts. It makes me feel reassured--as if I am his.

Though we can't make it official, I hope we do one day. Perhaps a year after I graduate will be enough time for us to initiate a plan that would create an appropriate environment in our lives for us to be together.

Even if I'm his secret, at least I'm still his in some sort of way.

I'll take anything he's willing to give. It may have only been two months, but I feel strongly for him. I don't think I've ever been in love before, but I'm almost positive this is how it feels.

With one last look in the mirror, I remove the towel from my hair and finish getting dressed. It's Saturday, which means David, Drea, and I are getting absolutely shitfaced and stuffing our faces with pizza.

Usually it would be a good blunt, but tonight we agreed to spice it up and put a new item on the docket.

Speaking of the devil and her demon, both David and Drea walk in just as I pull my pants on.

"Malibu and pizza, baby." Drea hollers as she does her fancy walk and lightly tosses both the pizza box and a bottle of alcohol onto the pillow-cushioned floor. She plops down right next to her dropped items and makes herself comfortable on my fuzzy rug and mass amounts of pillows. Let's just say I have a bit of a burrow in the corner of my room.

"That sounds horrible." I say truthfully, "Count me in."

David props a hand on his hip with his nose scrunched in disgust, "I'm not drinking that nasty shit but I'll hold yalls hair back when you're throwing it up."

"Not drinking it my ass. You were telling me about how you're getting...hmm...what was it?" She pauses to tap her chin in thought, "Oh yea, so drunk you won't even remember the lyrics to fergalicious? That'll take about half this bottle." Drea picks up the bottle of coconut rum.

"It's okay, we've all tasted worse." I shrug and take my designated seat next to her.

David sits next to me, leaning his back against the wall and legs in my lap.

His skinny frame slouches aside to open the box of our basic pepperoni pizza, David's request.

I grab a piece after him and take a massive bite before gesturing for the bottle of rum.

Drea opens it for me and hands it over. It takes a second to chew my food, but as soon as I do, I get to work on chugging as much alcohol as I can before I gag.

"My god, you were right, David. That shit is enough to drop a grown man." I smack my lips together and try not to make a sour face.

"You both are so dramatic." Drea says and grabs the bottle from me. After taking a whiff and giving the bottle a suspicious look, she too takes a swig of it.

She grimaces and pulls the bottle from her lips but proceeds to take another drink before handing it over to David.

"Mhm, it's shit right?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. She scoffs and opens her mouth to give me attitude but David starts coughing up rum everywhere. It splatters not only on my mini fort, but I'm sure I feel just a drip land on my cheek.

"Dude, are you okay?" Drea asks as I lean him forward and pat his back.

"No. You know what's worse than drinking this?" He gasps for air and continues, "Coughing on it."

"Yea, I'd imagine." I snicker quietly and give him one last pat on the back before returning to my former relaxed position.

"Shut the fuck up, I saw Jesus for a second." He mocks, putting his hand into a fist and giving his chest a couple light taps.

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