Chapter 7

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The boys on the side were all young and Inexperienced. However, although they all looked nervous, they strictly stuck to their positions and protected the Mo family's house, fixing talismans onto the walls. The servant named A-Tong was already carried into the hall.

Lan SiZhui felt his pulse with his left hand and supported Madame Mo's back with his right. He couldn't save both of them at once, and was in a terrible fix when A-Tong crawled up from the ground.

A-Ding exclaimed, "A-Tong, you're awake!"

Before her face had the time to light up, A Tong raised his left hand and clutched his own neck.

"I think he is possessed"

"Yeah, definitely"

"Is he dead though?"

Seeing this, Lan SiZhui tapped on a few of his acupoints three times.

Wei WuXian knew that, although they looked gentle, the people from the Lan clan had arm strength that were the opposite of gentle. With a force like this, it would be hard for anyone to move.

"Really?" Jin Ling asked

"Yeah that's right! Wanna try it?" Lan Jingyi challenges Jin Ling

Jin Ling raise his eyebrows " Fine!"

Lan Jingyi gripped Jin Ling's hand, that made Jin Ling plead to let go of his hand

Jin Ling shouted " Ahh let go, let go! Do all you Lans have a grip on a freaking gorilla?!"

However, A-Tong seemed like he didn't feel anything, and his left hand's grip tightened, his expressions looking more painful and twisted. Lan JingYi proceeded to grab his left hand, but it was like breaking off a chunk of iron, having no effect at all. After a moment, a crack came from his neck, and A-Tong's head drooped down.

His neck was already broken,He actually strangled himself in front everyone's eyes!

Some shut their eyes afraid to watch the gruesome scene in front of them

Seeing the situation, A-Ding's voice wavered, "... A ghost! There's an invisible ghost here. It made A-Tong strangle himself! Her tone was sharp and her voice was shrill, making everyone's blood run cold, and so they believed it effortlessly."

Nie Mingjue has a frown on his face " That creature is extremely dangerous than I thought "

Nie Huisang snapped his fan to hide the smirk on his face

Wei WuXian's judgement happened to be the opposite-it wasn't a ferocious ghost.

"So if it's not a ferocious ghost, what is it?

He had examined the talismans that the boys chose, all of them were spirit-fending ones. If it really was a ferocious ghost, then, as it went into the East Hall, the talismans would have incinerated green flames. Yet, nothing was happening right now.

"Woah, I didn't notice that"

" I'm too much preoccupied to notice it"

The cultivation world had a strict definition for the category of "ferocious ghosts"-they had to kill at least one person a month and continue the behaviour for at least three months. The criterion was set by Wei WuXian himself, and it was probably still being used.

There are a lot of ' ooh's' to be heard from the cultivators

He was the best at dealing with this kind. To him, killing one person in seven days would be considered as a ferocious ghost who was killed frequently. This thing killed three people at once, and within such a short period of time. It would be hard for even a capable cultivator to think of a solution immediately, let alone these juniors who had just started their careers.

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