Chapter 19

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A few disciples paddled and used nets to chase after the underwater shadow. Someone shouted from the other side, "There are some here as well!"

Everyone began to straighten their backs and wear a serious face as the intense scene starts to play.

A number of narrow boats dragged nets and went over, but they didn't catch anything. Wei WuXian spoke, "That's strange. The shape of this shadow doesn't seem like a human. It's also sometimes long and sometimes. short, sometimes large and sometimes small... Lan Zhan, beside your boat!"

" I really hate when we watch this kind of scene!"

" Can we just skip thy action part? And just watch Hanguangjun and the Yiling Laozu's love story?!"

"If we skip this part, where is the thrill of that?"

Instantly, the Bichen on Lan Wang Ji's back unsheathed and stabbed into the water. After a moment, it flew out of the river with a sharp resonance, taking with it a crescent of water. Yet, it didn't pierce anything.

"What kind of water ghoul was that?"

As he was about to speak, a disciple on the other side also drew out his sword, thrusting it toward a dark shadow which swiftly swam by in the water.

Lan Qiren narrows his eyes to the disciple who seems very familiar to him.

However, after his sword went underwater, it never came out again. He chanted the sword incantation for a few more times, but nothing was retrieved from the water.

"Poor him"

"But he seems familiar though "

"Su She, right now, we still haven't determined what the thing inside the water is. Why did you act on your own and make your sword go underwater?"

"That's Su She?!"

"Sect Leader Su Minshan?!"

"I didn't know he's from Gusu Lan Sect"

"So that's explain why his sect are very much alike with the Lan Sect"

Lan Jingyi snorts " So that's why he looks familiar, he's Su Shit"

While Wei Wuxian is having a confusion in his life, " Who?"

Su She seemed like he was somewhat flustered, but his expression was relatively calm, "I saw that Second Young Master also..."

"Well that's what happens when you try to imitate the great Hanguangjun"

He realized, before he even finished speaking, how unsuitable this sentence was.

Wei Wuxian smiles, " Of course no one can beat MY great Hanguangjun!"

While Lan Wangji's face remains emotionless his red ears seem to disagree when Wei Wuxian said 'my'.

In an instant, Bichen was unsheathed again.

This time, the blade of the sword wasn't inserted into water, but instead, the tip of the sword jolted, and whisked up a piece of shadow from within the water.

Wei WuXian laughed so hard that he almost toppled into the river, "Lan Zhan, you're so impressive! This is my first time seeing someone remove a water ghoul's clothing when they're catching water ghouls."

"I didn't know water ghouls had clothes"

Jiang Cheng spoke, "You should shut up. The thing that swam underwater really wasn't a water ghoul. There was only a piece of clothing!"

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