Chapter 6

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“And you just complied easily? No fights, no cops…just plain submission? Are you frigging crazy!?” Lexi exclaimed, making my cringe back at her aggressive loudness.

I plopped down onto the bed; my butt being instantly massaged by the soft mattress. For a second, I just thought about ending the call and stretching over it like a kitten…but I knew Lexi would just call me right back and basically blow my eardrum off. I still needed my hearing intact, thank you very much. However, I was now regretting having called her in the first place. I needed to tell somebody about what was going on. I couldn’t be the only who thought that this was all freaking insane!

I shrugged, as if she could see me doing so. “You’re the one who told me that he has a lot of influence so who’s to say he wouldn’t have used force to get me here? I just chose the easy way out.”

“What happened to Tijuana?”

“That would have never worked. He knows things about me that not many people know. I bet finding me in there would be too simple for him.” Which was painfully true. I hate how these rich people always seem to have the world feeding from the palm of their hands.

She sighed, before a yawn escaped from her lips. “This is not the kind of stuff I thought I would be waking up to. Anyways, has he told you what you will be doing for him?” A great question. Also, a question that I couldn’t answer.

I still hadn’t quite forgotten the little exchange we had about half an hour ago. It’s like every time he talks to me, I feel like he’s words always have a double meaning. It seems like he is flirting but at the same time, it’s like he will be completely serious about what he’ll be saying. And I haven’t known this man for more than 24 hours, yet I already had mixed feelings about him.

“He still hasn’t told me. I hope it won’t be anything too tiring or strenuous. I have a bad feeling about his mother though; she’s uptight and will definitely be on my ass 24/7. Not to mention the kids…” I trailed off gloomily. Things weren’t even looking up for me in the slightest.

“Fingers crossed it won’t be 50 Shades of Grey aligned,” she said and I laughed. “I gotta go now, Maya. I’m supposed to be at work in a couple of hours and I have to run a few errands. Stay in touch, okay?”

I hummed in response, we exchanged our goodbyes and then I ended the call. Looking past the window, my eyes were gifted the amazing view of the backyard. As much as I’d hate to say it, if I stay here for too long…leaving might be hard altogether. The room I was given was much larger than my cramped one back in Malibu. The bed was like a cloud with legs. I was already starting to like it way too much.

Reckoning I’d been couped up in the bedroom for way too long, I got up and made for the door. Exiting my room, I got the fright of a lifetime when I found Theodore’s mother standing a few feet away from me, her stance ram-rod straight and lips quirked down in disdain.

I held my chest, trying to calm down my palpitating heart. “P-please don’t scare me like that,” I wheezed out and she rolled her eyes.

She took few steps closer to me and began analysing me with her sagely eyes. “Just where did Theodore find you?” she stated rather than I asked. I was about to respond but she held her hand up to silence me. “Never mind that. I don’t know what you and my son are mixed up in, but I’ll have you know I don’t approve. I already don’t like the idea of him bringing his friends into this home with the children around, but he never listens. I don’t know what you are to him; a helper or a harlot but I do know that your stay here will be anything but peaceful,” she practically spat haughtily in my face and turned away from me.

“Lunch is being served in the kitchen. Don’t waste any more time,” she threw over her shoulder and disappeared from my sight.

That was downright petrifying. I guess I’ve already made an enemy in Europe. You could say I’m very well on my way to being on Interpol’s Red Notice. Dammit, that woman is as cold as ice. She even overtly called me a harlot! Who the hell even uses that word anymore? Which century is this, the 19th one?

Shaking my head, I resumed my walk and found the foyer again. I could smell the aroma of food, and I could also hear Aiden and Brianna’s voices projecting from the opposite hall. Following my senses, I found the kitchen. Not at all surprisingly that it looked like something out of top chef. I took a second to admire the décor, totally ignoring the not subtle looks I was receiving from everybody in the room.

Brianna whispered something in her brother’s ear, and they both giggled before going back to eating their gourmet food. The maids and chef, whose names I was yet to learn just shared a look before one of them picked up a plate and left the room. I took a seat by the island next to an empty plate and began filling it up. There were so many options that I could barely figure out what to choose. Felt more or less like being at a mini buffet.

“So,” I began calmly. “How old are you guys?”

“We’re both four years old,” Aiden replied politely in a posh babyish accent, keeping his eyes trained on his food. 

I took a bite of my food, the flavour melting onto my tastebuds.  This food tasted better than the food made at Ooh La Food. Hats off to whoever had made it. “And you guys go to school?”

Brianna shook her head. Her sparkling green eyes bored into mine, making me look away. Why was she studying me? Did I have something on my face? “We start school in September, if you must know. It’s custom around here,” she added saucily and finally lost interest in scanning me. I silently sighed; these kids are weird. 

One of the maids and the chef were having a silent conversation, glancing at me occasionally. Whatever happened to hospitality? I probably shouldn’t have left the comfort of my room…and yet I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have had that little less than cordial exchange with Mrs. Duke. I never thought I’d find somebody more stuck up and arrogant than my parents. Smh. 

The twins finished their food, and thanked the chef before exiting the room. “My name’s Ann by the way,” the remaining maid told me as she cleared their plates. She had a small smile on her face, kind brown eyes and sandy blond hair. “And that grouch over there is Matthew. But we like to call him Big Matt,” she laughed as the plump and stout man scowled at her.

“Don’t call me that, you nob,” he chastised her and held his hand out to me. “Just Matt would be fine. You must be Maya. I’ve heard little about you,” he beamed and extended his hand to me. I took it and shook it to match his firm shake.

I smiled at both of them. “Nice to meet you both. I was starting to wonder if anybody was going to be nice in this house. Thank heavens I was wrong,” I admitted sheepishly.

“Nonsense. We’re all nice here…well except for that old bat Mrs. Duke and her puppet on strings Meredith,” she whispered to me, her eyes wandering to the door. I looked at her in confusion. “Meredith is the other maid. She’s not too awful, but she is a rather petulant pain in the arse. Mrs. Duke says jump and she says how high. Watch out for that one. Not good company at all,” she warned me and I nodded my head. Great, another potential enemy.

“So, pray tell, what brings you to the Ice Castle of Great Britain?” Matt asked me as he took a seat opposite, propped his head on his arms. And the English nosiness continues…

I stabbed at the tomato in my plate. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”


Hola mi amigos. The last update of the week. How are finding the story?

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~Deetronite ♥️

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