Chapter 40

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Theodore’s P.O.V

I took a leap of faith, only to come down crashing on the concrete surface of reality. I guess I’d had this fantasy that Maya would tell me she loves me too and we’d never be apart again. Oh, how delusional I’d been to think it were that simple.

To be fair, I don’t blame her for wanting nothing to do with me. I’d hurt her severely, that even I couldn’t completely forgive myself for it. If only I had come to terms with my insecurities and mental health issues earlier, then maybe she would have been with me right now.

When that Brian guy said he loved her too, I wanted to knock the air out of him. How could he say that so brazenly when what he felt for her couldn’t even be compared to what I felt for her! As soon as she walked out of the restaurant, I wanted to run after her but that cocky little bastard had prevented me from doing so. “Don’t you dare walk after her, you cad!” He shouted at me. 

I had quickly pivoted on my heels and rushed in front of him. “Who are you calling a cad, you douchewagon? You do realise that this shitshow is all your fault, right?” I snapped menacingly. 

He grimaced in displeasure. “Did you expect me to give you a pat on the back for making out with my girl? I knew you were trouble from the first moment I saw you!” he bellowed in fury, and shoved my chest.

My jaw ticked ominously. This little boy had no idea who he was dealing with. I could have easily sent him to an early grave but I held myself back. We’d already caused a commotion so I by all means needed to salvage the little dignity I had left. “You might think you understand what exists between Maya and I, but let me just let you know that you don’t. I’ve known her and loved her longer than you have. And not that it’s a competition, but you’ll never have her heart,” I sliced frigidly, before shouldering past him. 

And after that, I had tried so desperately to contact her and see her but she’d denied me that right. It hurt like hell, but I understood where she was coming from. So, after pursuing her for three days, I came to the realisation that maybe there wouldn’t be a possibility of us ever being together. With a heavy heart, I concluded my business trip and boarded my jet back to London.

I hadn’t told anyone about the actual reason why I’d flown to the States, so everyone at home was none the wiser. Well, almost everyone. “What’s with the long face,” my mother fired at me just as I stepped over the threshold of the front door.

I handed my luggage to Ann and Meredith, after they’d welcomed me back home. “I guess I’m just a bit jet lagged,” I told her half-heartedly. It wasn’t a complete lie. I was indeed exhausted from the last couple of nights that had been nothing but sleepless.

She clucked her tongue at me, before narrowing her cool blue eyes that were shades lighter than mine. “Theodore Clifford Duke, I am your mother and nobody knows you better than I do,” she seethed and walked up to me. “Speak now, or I’ll have to spank it out of you!”

I sighed and rubbed my face in annoyance. I know she meant well, but I wasn’t exactly open to discussing such matters with her. “Mother, I told you it is nothing. My business trip was chaotic and-,” I was cut off when she cupped my face and began to examine the now faint bruises on it.

“What in the name of Saint John happened to your face!” she shrieked in horror. 

I gently pushed her hands away. “I had a bit of an accident,” I muttered unenthusiastically. Where are those little munchkins when I need them? They are usually my saving grace. I guess today just isn’t my lucky day, is it? “Now, if you excuse me, I need to freshen up,” I said before I made for the grand staircase and marched towards my room with a depressing spring in my step.

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