Chapter 26

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Maya’s P.O.V

I always thought that the whole enemies to lovers’ arc was a tad bit tired and generic, but ladies and gentlemen, I am a living testimony that such relationships do exist. I’ll admit that I always found Mr. Duke rather dashing when he’d visit Ooh La Food back in Malibu; hell, who wouldn’t? It’s very easy to swoon over a handsome man who exuded confidence and power. But at the back of my mind, I always knew he was out of my reach, much like the chances of me ever getting along with my parents.

I wanted to hate him, to loathe him for making me work for him when he could damn well pay for the damages that were caused but alas made my life do a 180. And for quite a while I did despise him…up until that kiss and then the events that took place after. Despite my better judgement, I’d unwittingly begun to fall for this guy; the biggest red flag in the history of mankind.

When he left my room this morning, I realised that I couldn’t deny this any longer and just this once in my life, I allowed myself to go with the flow. From this day onwards I’d let my feelings manifest with no inhibitions. I was quite certain that he liked me too and by the way things were looking, I was pretty optimistic about it. When has optimism ever worked for you, you doof?

“This time, it will!” I fired back at my merciless conscience before shifting to the other side of the bed. It was well past noon and although I was now totally fine since the cramps had subsided, I still wanted to stay cocooned in the sheets, since my lovely boss had more or less given me the day off. I even got breakfast in bed as per Ms. Duke’s request when she and the twins came to see me earlier after having heard I was practically dying; from the supreme idiot, Meredith.

I’d already showered and changed but refused to leave the plush mattress. I was scrolling through my phone when it began to ring and an unfamiliar number flashed across my screen. I felt a wave of irritation wash over me as I remembered that the last time this happened, it was my mother who had called me just to ruin my day. This time I wouldn’t give her the chance. I declined the call with an eyeroll before heading back to Instagram, only for it to begin to ring a few minutes later. 

What the hell is this woman’s problem? I answered it grudgingly. “What is it you want this time, mother? I thought I-,” the voice that sounded in my ear made my blood run cold.

“Hello Kathrine.” 

I gripped my phone in my hand so tightly as I rage coursed furiously in veins. I would have much rather fancied my mother’s patronising voice rather than my father’s taciturn and apathetic one. Memories of the last time we’d talked flickered in my mind and a recognizable constriction plagued my heart.  And I always wondered why he called me by my middle name…did he dislike me that much?

I cleared my throat as I propped myself up on my elbow. “D-dad?” I stuttered pitifully and mentally rebuked myself for such a low move. I wouldn’t allow him of all people to recognise that he’d affected me the most when he decided to side with my mother against me. We used to be a team, I used to be his little girl. He was my hero but then things just unexpectedly changed one day.

“Yes, Kathrine. It’s your dad. How are you, honey?” he replied and for the first time ever, I heard something akin to sincerity in his voice. Was that real or did I need to visit an ear doctor?

I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that. My father was asking how I was doing? When did he start caring about how I was doing? I hadn’t spoken to him in almost three years and I had no freaking clue how to talk to him. Nobody had hurt me the way he and my mother had, but for him it felt like somebody had pierced my heart with a razor-sharp sword.

We can’t be affiliated with a bumbling failure like you, Kathrine. You’re not worthy of the Knight’s last name, he had so eloquently thrown in my face right before I got booted out of their mansion. To this day, I hear those shattering words echoing in my head every now and then. I am the way I am because of my parents, and sometimes I cannot help but hate myself. 

I tried to speak but my throat clogged up in the process so all that came out was a grunt, like a pig grunt. All of a sudden, I was that little girl in seventh grade who didn’t get on the principal’s honour roll and had my Nintendo Wii taken away from me. Shattered. Unloved. Insecure. “I’m fine,” I ended coughing up and he laughed. Just laughed. That laugh any dad would give his daughter that he got along with. 

And that made me downright beside myself. The next second, I sat up and my face screwed up in fury. “Why the hell are you calling me? I thought you said you didn’t want anything to do with me the last time we saw each other. Didn’t mum tell you that I blocked her the last time she bothered to disturb my peace? Now you too,” I seethed through gritted teeth. Trust my period hormones to have me going from wounded to pissed in a matter of microseconds. 

He sighed. “Can’t I just check up on my only child?” he defended and I chortled humourlessly.

Your child? So, I’m your child again? This is news to me. Drop the act Maddox. You don’t get to pull that nonsensical card on me, much less today. You made it abundantly clear that you and your wife wanted nothing to do with me, as I am an embarrassment to your last name. I mean, you were even considering hiring an actress to play me at one of your posh dinners, right?” I barked into the phone with so much revulsion, my heart was screeching at me.

“That was your mother’s idea and I was strongly against it.” Like you were against me? “I’ll admit that I treated you unfairly-,”

I flicked the duvet off my body as I burst up like a fire cracker. “You think? That’s a bloody understatement. I am your daughter not some foolish trophy you can parade to your bloody friends! I would much appreciate it if you never called me again. I don’t even want to know you,” I screamed at the top of my lungs and ended the call before throwing my phone on the floor. Good thing it’s carpeted otherwise my phone would be in smithereens. 

Angry, hot tears emerged from my eyelids as I walked over to the window and sat down by it. I looked out, only for the image to come out blurred. It was a beautiful sunny day but I was feeling numb like I’d been dipped in pool of ice. To this day, I still don’t understand what I did to end up with such cruel parents. I hate them with every fibre of my being. They made me feel so small and I can’t stand anyone having that power over me. The only person who had ever made me feel good about myself, and I’m utterly ashamed of admitting it, was Theodore. I felt different when I was around him, confident even. Great, I’ve hit rock bottom for sure.

I don’t know how long I sat there but by the time I got up, it was well past sunset. I heard the front door open and Theodore’s voice announcing he was home, which was odd since he’d always get back from work by a solid ten PM. I wiped my face off any remnants of tears, ruffled up my hair and exited the room. At the same time as I entered the foyer, the twins came rushing down the stairs to greet their dad, and Ms. Duke emerged from behind me.

“You’re home early,” she commented, and crossed her arms. “What’s the occasion?” It was a good question, and I too wanted to know the answer but for the time being, I was just happy he was back home. His cobalt eyes met mine and a frown rushed on his face, probably from noticing my red and swollen eyes. I smiled weakly before looking down.

The sound of heels clicking on the marble floors caught my attention and my head flew up on its own accord. I felt all colour drain from my face and I stood there with my jaw unhinged. No, no, no! This had to be some kind of nightmare. I’m still asleep right?

“Hello family!” Yolanda Heinz beamed, and just as always, she was dressed to kill. Her piercing grey orbs landed on me and she smirked wickedly. “My sweet Theo is letting me stay here for a week. Isn’t that trés bien?” she gloated and giggled.

Gosh, could this day get any worse?


Hey guys. Due to popular demand, I've slotted in the first Wednesday update! I hope you enjoyed it ❤️

Maya's parents are jerks, aren't they? Do you think she could ever forgive them?

And Yolanda is back... yikes 🤭

Tune in on Friday for the next update!

Love you all,


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