Chapter 10

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As I sprinted back to my assigned room, I couldn’t quite contain the giddy feeling that was brewing in my chest. Oh my gosh! Mr. Duke is way more attractive with his shirt off and he freaking made a move on me whilst I was wearing nothing but a flimsy drying towel. Wait, why the hell did I feel excited about that? Better yet, did that mean he finds me attractive?

Of course, he does. He finds anything in a skirt appealing, my subconscious jested and for the first time, I agreed with that devil. Come on, this is the same guy who was sucking faces with some random woman last night. It’s purely indicative of the fact that he was quite promiscuous and had wandering eyes.

But he touched, well, wrapped his hand around my waist! Hell, his abs and pecs are so prominent it’s like he was chiselled or something. All of a sudden, my body began to feel hot all over that I dashed into the bathroom and took a cold shower this time around to cool off. When I came back out, skin temperature toned down, I heard faint angry stomps from somewhere followed by a loud yell, “You can bloody screw yourself, you snub nosed bastard!” And then came a loud bang as the door was shut thunderously.

It didn’t take a genius to guess that that was probably his last night fling. Used one night, disposed off the next morning like a piece off toilet paper. I felt kind of sorry for her; nobody deserved to be used just in order to gratify somebody’s libido. It’s not right and inexcusable.

Ignoring my clattered thoughts, I changed into my outfit for the day which consisted of high waisted red jeans, a long-sleeved white crop top and a pair of white flats. Since I didn’t have a hair dryer, I decided to just comb my hair and let it air dry. I contemplated on whether I should call Lexi and inform her of what had happened but I reckoned it was still night time over in Malibu so I opted to call her later.

About ten minutes later, a knock came to my door. I got up to open it, only to find Ann on the other end. She rushed into my room. “I don’t know what it is that you have done but Mr. Duke wants you in the dining room right now,” she informed me in a panicked tone. I frowned at this.

“Really? Did he sound angry?” I asked and she bit her lip.

“Well, he’s a bit hard to read at times. He seemed serious but passive aggressive as well. My suggestion to you is that you get your innocent self there right now. I don’t think it’s going to be good though.”

I shrugged flippantly and made my way to said dining area. I wonder what it is that he has to say to me. After the encounter we had not too long ago, I couldn’t help but be curious. When I entered the room, he was seated at the head of the table, typing away on his iPhone. Noticing my presence, he set his phone on the table and looked straight into my eyes. They were cold, hard and filled with anger?

“You called for me?” I said calmly and he nodded at me. He was giving me a weird vibe. Was he bipolar or something?

He set his hands in front of him and clasped them. “The duration of your stay here, you will do as I say. Every meal I am to have, you will serve to me. I return late at night most nights, but you will not go to bed before I arrive. You will also assist Meredith and do everything she says. Other than this, I have the right to make requests of you and you will have no choice but to say yes-,”

“That doesn’t include anything sexual right?” I blurted out without thinking and he closed his eyes, and exhaled. What? Wouldn’t you ask the same if some man you only started to really know just yesterday said that any request he makes you should accept? Is this guy Christian Grey?

“Of course not. What exists between us is strictly a professional relationship. It will never be anything more. Do you understand that?” He gritted out through clenched teeth, and I felt my stomach knot. I couldn’t understand why he was all of a sudden being so callous. My throat felt clogged so I just bobbed my head in understanding. “Good. Now, head on over to the kitchen and bring my breakfast. I have to leave for work soon,” he said and waved me off.

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