Chapter 12

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Theodore’s P.O.V

Thanks to how my morning began, I had a bloody crappy day at work. I was more irritable than usual and it was all because of one person; Maya Knight. Damn her! I should have never brought her back with me here. But how else was she going to pay for what she did? I was pretty sure that she was almost as poor as a church mouse, and heaven knows Yolanda would have taken advantage of this.

I had a series of meetings with my various associates all over the world. My business was growing exponentially that sometimes the numbers rolling in looked like phone numbers. Literally every big cooperation wanted to do business with me. And that boosted my ego way too much, I was afraid that my door wouldn’t fit through the doorway one of these days.

My schedule was packed with new projects and social events I was to attend. I’d be flying back and forth in the coming weeks. I was happy about that, at least I’d be preoccupied and I wouldn’t think too much about Dana.

Her name was taboo in my household and in my heart. That evil witch ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it right before my eyes. Whenever I think about it, I get so emotional. My only solace is alcohol, and occasionally, finding somebody to release my tension on. I know it’s wrong, but it’s how I cope. Before, I had no problem bringing my various conquests home, since everybody would be asleep by then and I’d make sure they’d left my dawn, but having Maya under my roof makes it a little harder.

By now she must know a bit about me; my reputation will always precede me. I’m a monster who doesn’t believe in commitment or love. Well, at least not anymore. Love is just a lie, an illusion we are made to think exists but it really doesn’t. It’s cruel and sucks the energy out of you.

I’ll never be dumb enough to entertain that nonsense again.

It was about six o’clock in the evening when I received a Zoom call from Yolanda. Hell, why couldn’t she just leave me alone for a while? Granted, she was my closest companion but that didn’t give her the right to nag me this frequently. When will she get it through her thick skull that what exists between us will never be anything more than friendship?

Hitting the answer button, a fake smile wiped across my face when hers came into frame. She was dolled up as usual, thick fake lashes, intricate makeup and an elaborate hairstyle. At this point, the only natural woman I’d ever noticed was Maya. She was so effortlessly beautiful, even more so when I saw her with wet hair and the tiny towel she was wearing living little to the imagination-

Seriously, what the bloody hell is wrong with me?

“Theo baby, how are you?” she cooed at me, her blood red lips tilted up seductively. 

It took so much just to not hang up then and there. “Yolanda. Good to hear from you as always. I’m quite well and you?” I asked her, and she flipped her voluminous hair across her shoulder. 

“Doing much better now that I’m speaking to you. I’m still kinda upset that you took that clumsy waitress with you. I bet she’s a total pain in the ass,” she sliced snidely and I snorted lowly. She wasn’t an ass, but she did have a fine ass. I need deliverance at this point.

I offered her a flat look. “I told you that it was the only viable solution. If it had been up to you, you would have escalated the situation and then I’d have to clean up the mess you would have caused. I don’t appreciate being questioned about my actions,” I said rudely and she scoffed.

“You’re so damn impulsive, babe. How many times has that come to bite you in the ass?” she taunted and I glared at her. She held her hands up in surrender. “Anyway, I didn’t call to fight. I called because I wanted to know when you’d be back in Malibu.”

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