First Wish

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A wish is a dream your heart makes. Or so it was said in my past life. I always wanted to believe that those wishes could come true with enough strength in my heart. My heart, however, was not strong enough even with the support of those around me. In the hazy fog created by the medication used, I could hear the doctor and nurses struggle to keep me alive. I felt terrible and wished my body had not been born so weak.

Unique Skill Wishful One. Acquired. 

Strong desire detected. Examining desire. Executing wish: Stronger body.

Huh? What's this about a stronger body? Can I- will I actually have one? If I could cry right now, I would. Maybe then... I could fulfill the dream I always had. Childish as it is... maybe then, I could save people, be a hero.

Strong desire detected. Examining desire. Executing wish: Be a Hero.

Wish cannot be executed at this time. Bestowing blessing: Hero's Journey. Granted.

That's awfully kind of you, random voice in my head... I appreciate the comfort in my final moments. Perhaps one day, if I could I would return the favor. If I may be greedy... I would like to return the kindest they gave me.

Strong desire detected. Examining desire. Unable to execute wish. Transforming desire into raw power.

Yeah, three wishes being granted is a bit greedy.

Flatline. The continuous beep of the heart monitor as my hazy vision turned to black. My eyes stayed shut for a moment and reopened to the voice of a man I had never heard. He was a giant of a man standing next to an elf man holding me, who was a giant too. I knew what just happened and cried out of pure disgust that I witnessed my birth.

Rather, rebirth.

"Dove," That was the name my new mother whispered gently to me as she held me carefully in her arms. Her long hair was the color of ash. She noticed my gaze on it and let me play with it. For some reason, the shade memorized me like a moth to a flame. Perhaps it was my undeveloped mind getting the best of me. My father's red hair did not interest me, but his smile whenever he looked at my mother or me was irritating.

I could tell, I was born into a loving home. A red flag for sure.

Being a baby, I had a lot of time on my hands to think and examine the skills I received. Even if I really really really want to go to the restroom myself, my body is that of a child. No wish. Meaning there is a certain degree of limits to what I can receive. Then there was the Hero's Journey, if I was to believe it is like the story structure from Earth then something bad would happen in the future to get me to leave home.

As time went on, I developed as quickly as my body and mind would allow me. My parents were initially shocked, and the elf who held me at my birth, who is the village healer, suggested that I was possessed by a daemon. I was worried at first when he said that.

"Nonsense!" My mother yelled, "I can see it in his eyes that Dove is a good boy, not some daemon."

"Maria," The elf apologized, "I meant no offense, merely surprise at the boy's abilities at the age of three."

I exited my room with my head low, I knew I was going to tell them the truth at some point, even if it was a flag, "Um... mom, dad... Mister Elmore isn't completely wrong."

With the words I had, I explained to my parents that I kept memories from my past life. Their shock turned to an unexpected understanding. Mother even picked me up in a hug, "See? Dove is just special like I thought!"

"I do not think that is the correct response to such a revelation," Elmore pointed out. "But neither of you are going to change your thoughts, are you?"

The Monster King's Life WishOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz