Tenth Wish

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Each nail struck into the wood beams was a step closer to a better day. With the sun beating down and the help of the orcs, construction was on pace to finish by the middle of summer. I helped where I could on the labor front whenever my attention was not needed elsewhere. However, the biggest help came from Souei's shadow clones who communicated information instantly between themselves and worked in an effort to direct spring water to the city. Without it and his ability to move in shadow, the bathhouse would still be further off and thanks to everyone's help, proper water pumps and toilets were installed throughout the homes.

Geld proved his words too, he and the orcs worked from morning until nightfall. Often, I found myself reminding him and the others to take proper lunch breaks. It seemed my help caused them trouble on that front, as while others ate I would be the one still working, which caused them to cut their breaks short and continue working with me. Truth be told, it felt nice building something with my own hands, even if I had to follow Kaijin's instructions or risk the support beams collapsing beneath me as I hammered away.

That was his job as one of the heads of the Crafting Department. As the system currently stands, there are three separate departments. The Crafting Department is responsible for the creation and maintenance of weapons, tools, buildings, and all other items like carts and decorations. Kaijin is one of the heads with Kurobe, Shuna, and in the future Geld.

The Arms Department focuses on hunting, security, and training. Hakurou and Souei are the two most recognized heads, followed by Rigur, who has been training hard under Hakurou to prove himself worthy of his brother's name.

The Internal Department is left with logistics and origination of plans such as agriculture, legislation, and diplomatic affairs. Fewer were in this department, but those like the goblina Lilina and former chief of a different village Regurd, were quickly proving to be sharp minds. Rigurd was head of the department and showed a good ability to learn from others and listen to what people were saying.

Overall, I plan to use them to see what people are good at and develop specific fields later down the line. For now, everyone is trying to figure out what they can do now that they have been provided the chance to expand their skills. And there were a lot, as weeks went by more goblins and orc came to the city. By the time they were all named, we had finished most of the living spaces for people and proper fields.

"Elmore!" I welcomed the elf as he rode in on a carriage escorted by the Goblin Riders and Ellen's party.

"Dove, it has been some time," He stated, nervous of the monsters. "I see your life has been interesting as of late."

"It certainly has," I laughed, trying to ease his tension. "Come, you must be tired and hungry from the trip. Let's get you something to eat."

"Ah, finally something to eat!" Ellen welcomed the offer, her party members following right behind her as I brought them to the dining hall.

"So how was life treating you in Alagas?" I asked.

"Not bad, the king was surprised by my departure just as much as I was surprised by your invitation. To think the boy I helped deliver into this world would be making a nation in the Jura Forest."

"It certainly is odd. Did you visit their gravestones on your way here?" Elmore nodded. "I'm glad to hear that. I wish I had the chance to visit my parents and clean them myself but the past several months have kept me busy."

"I'm sure they would understand," Elmore reassured me. "Just as I'm sure they are at peace."

"Thank you."

Later in the day, after showing him around, I introduced Elmore to Kaijin and the others. A few days later, a different party arrived in the form of the lizardman Gabiru. He seemed harmless enough, so I put him to work with his party of other lizardmen. His sister, who had taken well to Souei's training, helped keep his antics in line.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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