Seventh Wish

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The sound of beeping. The thought of breathing. My eyes open to the hospital ceiling. These three simple things caused my heart to race as I woke in a cold sweat. The idea that I was back in that hospital bed wounded my heart. To be bonded there after experiencing life was to die of thirst after drinking the last drop of water known to man. Alone in the temporary tent hut, I sat up in the middle of the night thinking how childish it must seem to have nightmares of my past life. Shizu would tell me that it was my heart reminding me to live fully and not forget what life can be like. To not waste the chances others wish to have.

After only a few days of settling in, the ogres have already become accustomed to how things are. One morning, I carried around the pink slime and checked in on everyone. It was then that the quiet ogre informed me that he had discovered the camp of a small lizardman group while on morning patrol. "It's weird for them to leave their native wetland and to travel to the lands around here. So I returned to report immediately."

"Not if the orcs are getting closer, you were all pushed out this way as well," I reminded. "But you said a small group, are they scouts?"

"I could not get too close, but they were heading in the direction of a goblin village."

"Hm, so it might be a situation like with the direwolves. Then let's notify the others in case they come here."

The ogre bowed his head, "Understood."

Walking in on the brothers, they were examining a cloth with the pink ogre, "Good morning, is that the spider thread?"

"Good guess," Garm brought it over to me, "But this was made out of the Hell Moth's pupa, right?"

The pink ogre nodded, "Both are very durable since they are filled with magical power. The ogre tribe has only used Hell Moth, so I do not know when is stronger... Sorry."

"That's alright," I felt the fabric for myself, "I heard you've been really busy lately. Make sure you are all taking care of yourselves."

"Thank you, I have been," The pink ogre turned to the fabric machine, "Thanks to Kaijin, this has made work easier."

"I'm glad to hear that, let me or the others know if you need anything."

"I will," The pink ogre lowered her head.

After the red one swore for him and his people to be under me, I made it clear to the others as well that I did not want to be referred to by a higher title than my own name. Sure, I am in charge and the normal way of doing things is to refer to the leader as lord or sir or some other title. But having the word thrown around constantly was not something I wanted. So, by my order, they were not allowed to refer to me with honorifics.

To remain respectful, people lowered their heads instead. As if to convey their position without words. I was going to stop this too, but decided to leave it be. The rules I was already imposing were odd already. If people from the guild saw ogres, goblins, and direwolves working together like this on the same level, it would not surprise me if the Western Kingdoms united to destroy them.

This reason is why I cannot go to them for help right now. I believe once the threat of the orcs goes away, the kingdoms would likely turn against us as well. That's why there are only a few in the Western Kingdoms I can reach out to and invite to help this little country grow. I would have liked to have been on good terms with Dwargon. While there are a few who owe Shizu and me, I will hold off on calling in a lot of favors.

Many more days later, the old ogre was still training up the goblins, all of whom now wore proper uniforms thanks to the ogre princess' hard work. They were a simple blue tunic design, padded with the leather of slain monsters like the saber tiger. Normally, a single goblin would be the lowest tier of monster, F. Even as a group the highest rank they should be able to reach would be E.

The Monster King's Life WishWhere stories live. Discover now