Sixth Wish

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Since we parted ways with Ellan and her party over a month has gone. Construction has been moving along, to a degree. The goblins have been having a hard time helping, with the timber being too heavy for only one of them to move. In addition, the height difference brought to mind the need for different standards for furniture. For now, I have Kaijin and the brothers building things toward the dwarf standard. We are a long way from sewage and water pipes.

The elder, along with three other goblins I chose to assist, have been doing their best to keep things organized without worrying about food distribution. At the end of the long day, we usually all gather in the center of where the city center will be and eat roasted meat. It was odd to them at first that I was fine eating together with them, but I felt better eating with someone. I also thought it would help them get along if they saw me with all of them.

However, the thought of food had to be put aside. Recently, monsters from deeper in the forest have been migrating. I wanted stronger people here before another incident like the direwolves happened. I have already run into a few interesting monsters, one was a slime. Usually, they migrate around summertime, so seeing one this early in the year I decided to take it back as a pet. Odd, sure, but slimes are asexual and scavengers, once they've eaten enough dead they split into more slimes. In the summer, those slime will become a tasty treat with how cool their inside jelly is.

The other oddities I ran into were two injured incest monsters. An extremely large stag beetle and an extremely large black and yellow wasp. It went against my better judgment, but the star direwolf asked them if they wanted to join the settlement. I healed them and told them there would be rules, but I would welcome them and anyone else. That said, the spider now living in camp did not help me sleep well at night.

It's not like I am bothered by spiders. As it stands, I am the only capable fighter against stronger monsters. I just thought when I started helping monsters it would be like the video game I used to play, where stronger monsters would appear that wanted to join.

After saying all of that, I could feel something wrong in the air today. I left the star direwolf with the hunters, hoping the extra help would not be needed. Patrolling not far from their route, I listened carefully to the woods.

"Ah!" A goblin cry echoed through the forest.

Running to it and drawing my sword, I was ready to kill whatever it was. Yet, I was not ready to see the bodies of goblins and direwolves on the ground, bleeding out. No matter how many fights I have witnessed and been in, the sight was not one I enjoyed. I ran over to the star direwolf and used [Heal] on the area. Looking at the wounds, if I did not cast it on the whole area, they would all die shortly.

To stall for their healing, I turned to the red ogre, "Who are you?"

"Lord Dove," The star wolf called.

"Rest and get out of here when you can," I ordered.

The red ogre, wearing armor similar to a samurai and a sword befitting it, was together with five others. A young pink female ogre with two small horns. A bustier purple one with a single horn. A big male ogre with two small horns who looked the most human, next to a tall, quiet-looking ogre.

I recognized the fifth man, "Old man?"

"I thought I told you to never call me that again," The old one said as we both held the hilts of our respective swords.

"You attacked my people."

The red one stepped in, "They attacked first."

I looked to the star wolf, "After that pink one put a few of them asleep."

The pink ogre hid behind the red one, "She was doing them a favor."

"In that, we are in a disagreement. Who was to say you wouldn't cut their throats in their sleeping state?"  I drew my sword, "I'm going to give you a choice, apologize to them and tell us what you are doing here. Or I beat it out of you."

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