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We sit in SLTs. Woodsy is standing in the front of the room.

"As teachers, we are meant to teach," Woodsy says. "But we are also meant to learn. And I have learned something pretty valuable from all of you in the past week. I am a slut."

Everyone snickers.

"Miss," Darren says.

"Yes. You're a slut. We're all sluts," Woodsy says. "So, footage from your little protest has circulated and the press for our school has been positive for once." She pulls out her phone. "The Guardian writes, 'The kids are all right, Hartley High students protest the resignation of their favorite teacher.' Even have a little photo of Joan of Bark in there. So that's lovely."

"So, we're not in trouble?" Quinni asks.

"No. Well, yes, you're gonna have to get the cleaning bill, but your civil disobedience has captured the hearts of Australia, so well done," Woodsy tells us.

"Okay, that's lovely, but Miss Obah hasn't agreed to come back, Miss," Darren says.

"Well, I wouldn't say that, Darren." Woodsy opens the door and no one is there.

Miss Obah walks in after a moment. "Hey, I'm back."

We all clap and cheer for her.

Ant raises his hand. "Wait, does this mean we have to keep doing SLTs?"

"Yes, Anthony," Woodsy tells him. "The program was so successful that we will be doing it next term and maybe for the rest of the year. Isn't that exciting, Anthony?"

Woodsy leaves Miss Obah and us on our own.

"Okay. So, we have covered a lot so far," Miss Obah says. "Consent, STIs, nudes, pleasure, and communication, how to frame your teacher..." No one laughs. "That was a joke. Don't do that again. You know, I could keep punishing you all for what's happened, or we could start a new chapter. I know you might hate this class, but it's important. I really hope you'll see that one day. Also, you all need to look out for each other more. These might be the worst years of your lives, but they might also be the best."

At least Miss Obah doesn't scare us with pictures of deceased dicks like Woodsy did.

The bell rings.

"...and I will get my lovely assistants Dusty, Spider and Ant to help pack up and prepare for the next lesson," Miss Obah says.

"Wait, wait. So, I'm off the hook?" Amerie asks.

"Girl, it's probably best you and I are never alone in a classroom," Miss Obah tells her. "Ever again. Yeah. Come on, guys, hurry up. You've already wasted enough of my time."

Amerie, Harper, and I are walking through the courtyard like old times.

"Amerie," Dusty says.

"What?" Amerie asks.

"Um... Can we go somewhere and talk?" Dusty asks.

"Nah," Amerie tells him.

"All right, well, I can't stop thinking about what happened. I wanted to say sorry," Dusty tells her.

"It's Harper you owe an apology to," Amerie tells him.

"Yep. Um, you're right," Dusty says.

"And what? You want us to tell you you're the good guy again?" Harper asks.

"No," Dusty says.

"What do you want from us?" Harper asks.

"I just... Nothing. Um, I know I messed up. And I know I have a lot of work to do on myself," Dusty says. "So, I'm trying to start right now."

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