Chapter 7 Life

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The little snake man has a pair of ingenious hands.

A gray rabbit and a rooster brought back, using split firewood as a temporary fence, throwing some fresh grass and grass seeds, and raising them in a cave. Guaranteed fresh for tomorrow.

Eggs are placed in jars, covered with soft hay, reserved for use when needed.

The two chickens were bled and plucked, and the rabbit peeled off the intact rabbit skin.

Beautiful feathers can be made into decorations, and they are good choices for home decoration or sale; the small fluff can be collected and used as stuffing in dolls, and can be sold for a very good price; thick rabbits with long piles in winter Not to mention the leather, whether it is sewn together with other furs into quilts, leather jackets, or individually made into gloves and scarves, it will keep you warm all winter long!

The little snake-man took a peek at the orc's exposed forearm, carefully handling the beautiful and flawless rabbit skin. When the caravan arrives, I plan to exchange some furs to supplement it and make a brand new leather jacket for the orcs.

After finishing these things, the cooking fire was also set on fire with the help of Ye Ze.

Anno put the only hen in a crock pot and boiled it with water. When the chicken soup turns into a clear light yellow, releasing rich oil and rich aroma, pour in the cleaned ball mushrooms and glutinous glutinous fruits.

The ball and ball mushrooms absorb the full fat, and when you squeeze it lightly, there will be a dew-like soup that oozes out from the incision.

The glutinous glutinous fruit pieces turned from milky white to transparent, and tasted like a sweet potato. It also has its own sweetness and a little saltiness in the chicken soup. Delicious and not greasy, it is the staple food instead of rice.

A rooster hollowed out the guts and stuffed various herbs and dry ingredients into its stomach. Spread salt, wrap the outside with fragrant orchid banana leaves, and then paste a layer of yellow mud that is just wet and dry. Buried under the fire of the stew, simmered with the heat conducted by the soil.

When knocking open the shell, the domineering fragrance also blows.

Use chopsticks to make a small slit in the chicken thigh along the texture of the chicken. You can see the gurgling hot oil flowing from the outer skin, and the tender chicken with a light brown color after soaking in the flavor of spices.

When you bite into it, not only does it not feel greasy, but the salty and fresh taste that is completely different from the lightness of chicken soup is refreshing, and even your taste buds can't help but jump for joy.

The rabbit cut open its belly, spread it with a scented wooden stick, and was placed on the grill by the little snake man.

The surface is coated with the spicy red juice of Biting Fruit, with a little dried fruit powder that smells like cumin and pepper.

At first the smell was pungent and choking, as if it produced some earth-shattering dark food. But slowly, the flavor of the seasoning was completely absorbed by the rabbit meat. Cut a piece of roast meat that is charred on the outside and tender on the inside and put it in your mouth. The hot and spicy taste reminded Ye Ze of the refreshing taste of the street before the apocalypse.

The only difference is that the seasoning here is naturally bitter. Even if it's not the kind of aftertaste that destroys the taste on a large scale, it is still very obvious to Ye Ze who has raised his tongue.

Ye Ze tasted the flavors one by one, and nodded and praised the expectant little Snake Man, "Nuo Nuo did a great job. I like everything."

Ye Ze emphasized the roast that always caused the Little Snake Man's uneasy eyes. Rabbit, "Especially this one. It's a taste I didn't expect, it's delicious."

"Really?" The little snake man smiled and rolled his eyes, his tail tipped up like a puppy when the owner wasn't paying attention, Swaying, "biting fruit is used and eaten by no one in the tribe. I'm also worried that you won't be used to the taste of the leaves."

But like the Asian orcs and females in the tribe, he needs to make all the food. Anno is reluctant to stew or roast in a pot.

In addition to the more meticulous habit of living alone, Anno always has a feeling that although Ye Ye has no openings, he is an orc who has extremely high requirements for the quality of life.

A rough, single diet is not suitable for leaves.

Anno hopes that he can make the food as rich and rich as possible, so he tries the new taste he has developed.

I didn't expect to be able to really get the love of the leaves!

The little snake man hummed a song and turned the roasted rabbit over, "The rabbit will be healed soon. You can eat the other two leaves first, to cushion your stomach. Otherwise, the first time you eat this, you will feel a pain in your stomach. It's uncomfortable. La!"

People who never eat spicy food eat chili on an empty stomach, and of course their stomachs can't handle it.

Ye Ze wanted to laugh when modern people who were used to seeing chili peppers were seriously reminded of the usage of chili peppers. But then I thought of the reason why the little snake man could find these, and he couldn't laugh at all.

What the wealthy tribe is unwilling to eat...

Ye Ze couldn't help reaching out and touched the soft hair of the snake man. While the little snake man was stunned, he put the warm chicken into the little snake man's mouth, "Don't patronize me, you should eat more."

"Bang!" The

snake and snake steamed buns are probably about to be released. .

The food cooked by the little snake people is delicious. When paired with fresh ingredients, the finished product tastes even better.

Ye Ze ate very satisfied, even a little emotional.

There was news from the plants near the tribe that life in the Black Snake tribe was not so meticulous.

He was able to meet the little snake man, which was a treasure.

Ye Ze held the little snake man beside him, who had to work before and after after eating. Call out a few vines, digest the food residue, and then roll up the "pots and pans" to clean them. Finished easily.

The little snake man watched from the side, envious in his heart.

It was the first time he knew that the power of the beastman was so convenient.

That is, if the leaves continue to be used like this, they will immediately go down the mountain to move water.

so tired. qaq Little

Snake Man suddenly wrinkled his bitter face. Staring at the wet green grass, reluctantly. It was as if a beloved baby had been robbed.

Like a flower peacock, he showed his strength, allowing the little snake man to rest, and the apocalyptic overlord was satisfied and retired. As a result, when he turned back and saw the expression of the little snake man who was wronged and tried to restrain himself, he suddenly remembered the preciousness of water resources to the little snake man.

Ye Ze coughed unnaturally and put the infrastructure construction around the cave on the agenda.

The hollow vine I met today, modified with supernatural powers, is quite suitable as a water pipe.

Ye Ze figured out a countermeasure, and his pounding heart suddenly settled down and gained confidence. He opened his palms, revealing a few red berries that had just grown, "Here. Fruits after meals." The

majestic image of the apocalyptic overlord has gradually faded away. Now it looks like a big dog with dog food to please its owner after making a mistake.

In the last days, it will definitely scare a large number of people.

But in the eyes of the little snake man... The little snake man only paid attention to the magical off-season fruit.

So, after a satiating lunch, one person and one snake shared another humble/heavy berry meal.

Sweet and sour, great taste!

An Nuo ate a lot today under Ye Ze's feeding, probably the most satisfying meal An Nuo has eaten since he can remember.

The little snake man touched his chubby belly, and then looked at the warm father-in-law Sun above his head. He really wanted to lie on the green grass and bask in the sun lazily.

However, Nuonuo is a hard-working little snake man and will never be lazy!

So the little snake man flicked his tail and ran into the small warehouse to take out a box of hay materials. Sitting on the green grass at the entrance of the cave with his tail crossed, he began to work while basking in the sun.

Ye Ze was amused by his satisfied appearance. He also closed his eyes and entered the practice, and his consciousness entered the bit-plane mall again.

His account has already passed the rookie period. Therefore, even if you want to use the initial transaction bit, you still need points to redeem. Not to mention opening a storefront in a mall space.

Ye Ze worked hard to ripen all the seeds collected today in the system space.

Take the edible species, and mail some of them to Jiang Yichen to feed the rabbits.

All the rest are submitted to the system and exchanged for points, and an initial amount of funds will be harvested.

Then open three trading positions. The value of the points that finally rose up was once again classified as a little pitiful that was almost zero.

Ye Ze glanced at it, and stopped paying attention after knowing the general situation.

These are all investments that should be made, and he doesn't feel much distressed. Otherwise, that pile of materials will be sold to the system at the cost of the lost points. Wouldn't he have to be vomited to death.

Moreover, although he only has the initial trading position, he is not the initial rookie. A large amount of credit points can bring enough quality assurance to his shop, and it is only a matter of time before he can earn back the current losses.

On the contrary, it is another thing that he needs to think about: what he wants to sell in these three initial positions.

The most convenient option is definitely animal meat.

The meat of this world is of good quality and taste. Although the energy contained in it is small, it is gentle and pure. Even better than the high-grade warming and nourishing flesh and blood that he had spent a lot of money on before.

As long as the fame goes out, there is no need to worry about no sales.

But the trouble is also here.

The meat products in the plane mall are actually in a quite saturated situation. It is too difficult and time-consuming for the initial trading position to stand out from this reputation.

He has to consider other ways to attract customers first.

Ye Ze sighed and walked around the mall again to check the status of various commodities. Exit the store.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the excited expression of the little snake man.

"Yi Zi Zi, you're finally awake!" The little snake man happily showed Ye Ze the bird he received, "This is Grandma Kang Lan delivering news to me. The caravan is coming to the tribe soon, I prepared it The goods can be sold!"

At that time, they will be able to exchange for many rare items that are not available near the tribe! You can also buy a batch of well-fitting winter gear for the leaves!

Ye Ze's eyes followed the well-behaved bird, and fell on the delicate and lovely handicraft beside the little snake man. I feel like I have an answer.

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