Chapter 24 The Son of God

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The goods carried by the large caravans, whether in quantity or quality, are not comparable to the small caravans that stayed outside the Black Snake Tribe.

Local high-quality cloth, spices, and salt in the wild world; food and ingredients with regional characteristics; Ye Ze even saw all kinds of seafood in a cargo box.

Ye Ze picked out all the unique varieties of this plane and included them all; all the fresh plants and seeds were selected and included; most of the items of interest were also collected as spares for the life of the little snake people in the future.

Snake people are curious, buy! Little Snake Man took a few more glances, buy it! Snake people may like and stay for a while, buy buy buy!

The team leader who accompanied Ye Ze was stunned.

Does this orc in front of him want to sell his entire caravan in one go? !

wrong. He still didn't look at the precious cultivation resources in the storage ring.

But looking at his unfathomable cultivation base, I am afraid it is really useful.

If this is all bought...


The leader took a deep breath in his heart.

Could this be the heir to the great clan who came out to travel in the Dragon Palace?

However, wouldn't the heirs of the great clan even know the beast god stone that assists the cultivation?

In the tent, the leader looked at the opposite side, Ye Ze looked at the appearance of the level 7 beast god stone, only to feel that the origin of this beastman was more and more confusing.

Level 7 beast god stone, corresponding to the beast king level powerhouse. For his caravan, it is already equivalent to the treasure of the town store.

If it wasn't for Ye Ze who had generously settled the consumption of goods outside before entering here, the team leader would not have easily taken it out for Ye Ze to observe.

Once again, the team leader's bold decision-making proved to be an extraordinary success.

After considering the value of the beast god stone for domestic use and export, Ye Ze took all the beast god stone in their inventory.

At the same time was bought, there are a large number of refining equipment and pharmaceutical materials.

Ye Ze's trip was full of rewards.

And the leader also benefits a lot.

He exchanged a large number of unheard and unseen items from Ye Ze, including food, utensils, clothing, accessories, and even super-efficient healing medicines!

The hands of the team leader who took these transactions were trembling slightly.

Even if he hasn't returned to the town, he can already imagine the scene of the future.

This is definitely the most impressive stroke in his travel business career!

Ye Ze, who brought new life to the caravan, was warmly welcomed.

The orcs raised a bonfire, added a grill, and started experimenting with the new concoctions that were made today. Just lift the lid, and the pure fragrance wafts out, some are mouth-watering, and some have a spicy and pungent smell.

But without exception, as long as they are sprinkled on the sizzling golden barbecue, they will bring endless wonderful aftertastes.

"Beast God, I've never eaten something so delicious! Ye, you're amazing!"

Even the most reserved team leader had his mouth full of oil at this time. The heroic temperament that belongs to the wild world is undoubtedly revealed, and he patted Ye Ze's back with a laugh, as if he was a familiar brother.

The little snake man was carefully brewing bone soup beside him. Because the caravan orcs were thoughtfully added to the amount of early adopters (too many for him to make), the production time of dinner was significantly lengthened.

Hearing the thumping sound of the beastman, the little snake man stirred the fragrant bone broth across the huge soup pot, and stared at the leader's hand with puffy eyes, thinking that he was concealed.

You shoot really hard.

What should I do if the leaves hurt!

The little snake man picked up the spoon and was heartbroken. When the soup is served, turn outward and add a little less to the leader's bowl.

However, seeing only a thin layer on the bottom of the bowl, I felt that it was not very good. Dip a little further in.

Small half bowl.

The little snake man looked at Ye Ze's bowl full of dangdang, and then looked at the other bowl that was served together.


Don't lose face to Ye Zi, as if he is stingy!

Add a little more.

Finally, the team leader's bowl was three-quarters full of soup.

But in the case of full bowls, it is still very conspicuous.

The little snake man stared at the soup bowl in front of him, frowning tangled. Then, reluctantly, another meat bone was added.

A small layer shallower from the flat bowl.


The tip of the snake man's tail is up. As if something quite great had been accomplished, he shook it happily. Pick up the tray, ready to serve.

Ye Ze and the team leader's senses are far sharper than those of the Snake Man, and they have long received the protest signal from the Snake Man. After watching the whole process of the little snake man's special treatment, they all laughed.

"Ye, you really can't be offended in every way." The team leader mocked with emotion. Ye Ze smiled

and admitted generously, "It's good if you knew."

After starting to wonder if he should also find a suitable person to set up a family after going back.

Having such a lovely and secretive partner at home makes me feel very warm and happy no matter what.

"Nuo Nuo, come over for dinner." Ye Ze stood up, greeted the little snake man, took the tray in his hand, and led him to the seat.

The little snake man was led for a while, and his eyes were still looking back. Seeing that Ye Ze had no plans to stop, he couldn't help but reminded anxiously, "Leaves, soup." It hasn't been delivered to everyone yet.

"It's alright." The leader waved his hand boldly and shouted to the orcs not far away, "Lanta, go and help Xiao An get the soup down. How can you trouble others to run errands with the good things that they have specially prepared for you.

" Alright." The orc named Lan Tu showed a simple and honest smile. Put down the barbecue, wiped his mouth and stood up. The orcs with a table all walked towards the soup pot.

When passing by Little Snake Man, he smiled and thanked Little Snake Man, "Thank you little brother, Xiao An. I smelled the fragrance earlier, but I'm very greedy!"

"I can't count on Brother Ye! We're afraid we won't be able to taste this little brother's craftsmanship." There was also a joke between the two of them.

Followed by a burst of good-natured laughter.

Surrounded by the friendly attitude of the orcs, the little snake man froze in place, blinking his eyes in a daze. He couldn't help but pat the tip of his tail happily. After a long while, he realized the meaning of the words of the beasts, and bowed his head in embarrassment.

"Relax now?" Ye Ze asked him with a smile.

"Yeah!" The snake man grabbed Ye Ze and held his hand, nodding forcefully.

Around him, the soup-drinking orcs expressed delight and praise. It's recognition of him and the food he cooks.

Nono is super happy!

There is a full sense of satisfaction!

"Then go back to the table with me." Ye Ze clasped Little Snake Man's hand, pulled it up and shook it, "Nuo Nuo has been busy for so long, so it's time to eat."

This time, Little Snake Man didn't hesitate. Obediently followed Ye Ze and took a seat on the main table.

The little snake man was cooking before, so he didn't have time to observe the changes in the camp. When I was free, it was the first time I had a party with so many people, and I was constantly greeted by everyone. The little snake man hugged the groundhog that ran up his tail, and while feeding himself and Huihui, he looked at him curiously. The lively scene of the banquet.

First there were the orcs who were talking and laughing.

Then the five-knife jumping bonfire.

Immediately afterwards, on the high platform in the center of the bonfire, a deer-shaped sculpture was enshrined with wine, meat and fruit.

what is that?

The little snake man thought outside.

Is it the image of a beast god?

"That's the mountain spirit that all the caravans enshrined in the road. It will bless us with a smooth journey, at least we don't encounter scorpions. But in recent years, the environment of the entire continent has begun to deteriorate. Therefore, each caravan's itinerary is more or less. All have been affected." The

team leader found the little snake man's novel look, and introduced him to him with a kind attitude. As a result, while talking, he turned to his own misery.

After reacting, he couldn't help but smile, "Sorry, I accidentally said something I shouldn't have said. I hope it didn't disturb the interest of the two of you."

"No. On the contrary, I am actually very curious about the intelligence of various places on the mainland. If you don't mind, I hope you can give me more information about the situation." Ye Ze shook his head, and took advantage of the situation to put forward one of the purposes of his trip.

"Of course. Ye, you don't mind me being long-winded." The team leader agreed and discussed the situation with Ye Ze.

Ye Ze's temperament itself is very appetizing to him, and he is also his big client, of course he will not be stingy with this information.

The simple brains of the little snake people can't understand this. So after listening to the legend of Shanling, I began to stare at the statue of Shanling in a trance.

The general shape of Shanling resembles a stag. It's just that the two antlers on the top of the head are shaped like branches, and a small tender leaf is dotted on the tip on the right side. Let the overall vigorous posture show a bit of cuteness and cuteness.

It's beautiful.

The little snake man praised in his heart.

"Squeak!" The groundhog exploded furiously as if he had heard the voice of the little snake man. The man stood up and pulled the little snake man's chest a few times with his small claws.

It's like a big girl who came to look for a heartless man to collect debts.

"What's the matter? Suddenly angry." The little snake man held its little paw in a good-natured manner and shook it with the pad of meat, "Aren't you full?"

"Squeaky!" The groundhog looked at him who was still glancing at the sculpture, slapped his paws in anger, and shouted with his hips on his hips: "Why are you always looking at that stupid deer!" Isn't it cute and charming?

The little snake man tilted his head blankly, not knowing what was wrong with a sculpture. After several feedings to no avail, he pursed his mouth in distress.

It is clear that the first and second are very willing to share, why is Huihui so jealous?

"Oh, that's probably the situation now." On the other hand, the exchange between the team leader and Ye Ze gradually came to an end, with a distressed emotion no less than that of a little snake man, "Anyway, I can only hope that the god child of Longgongcheng will be able to work as soon as possible. Communicate with the spirits, soothe their emotions. In this way, we can live in good weather." The

groundhog folded his claws on his chest, refusing to pay attention to the little snake man, vowing to let the little snake man realize the seriousness of half-heartedness . Hearing the prayer of the leader, he pretended to be indifferent and rolled his eyes in disgust.

The Son of God has long been lost to you, and you are still communicating with a ghost!

Don't listen, don't listen, liar chanting!

Anyway, it, the spirit of the earth of the world, will never spend that energy to appease the earth for you.

He doesn't have enough time to find a communicator! I didn't run around in the river like Shui Ling, the black and white short-winged bird, which has already given you a lot of face!

The groundhog shook his ears. He punched and kicked a few dragon dolls in his heart, and felt indignant.

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